Кеннет Сильверман

Гудини. Великий и ужасный

Гарри Гудини был уникальной личностью - эрудит, атлет, изобретатель, авиатор, библиофил, суперпрофессиональный "самопиарщик", кинопродюсер, исследователь аномальных психических явлений и, наконец, Король наручников. Движимый страстным...

Экономика и управление малой фирмой

Рассматриваются методы эффективной реализации различных функций менеджмента с учетом особенностей малой фирмы, приводятся примеры их использования, представлены технологии бизнес-планирования, оценки бизнеса, налогообложения, правового...

Gareth Shaw, Allan M. Williams

Critical Issues in Tourism: A Geographical Perspective

The first edition of Critical Issues in Tourism provided a much-needed geographic perspective on how the production and consumption of tourism are reshaping human and physical environments. The second edition builds on this, updating the original...

Carol Agocs

Workplace Equality - International Perspectives on Legislation, Policy and

In this era of globalization, new forms of diversity co-exist with longstanding patterns of systemic discrimination in employment on the basis of gender, race, religion, ethnicity or culture, disability, aboriginal status or immigrant status....

Richard J. Leider, David A. Shapiro

Whistle While You Work: Heeding Your Life's Calling

Everyone has a calling-something they were born to do. Heeding your calling is about deliberately choosing a way of life and work consistent with your gifts, passions, and values. It's a labor of love that is intrinsically satisfying. Whistle While...

John H. Dunning

Regions, Globalization, and Knowledge-Based Economy

This book presents different disciplinary approaches to the knowledge economy and includes detailed case analysis of its impact in different parts of the world. It moves between the supra national macro region and the micro cluster, as well as...

Kenneth R. Hoover

Economics as Ideology; Keynes, Laski, Hayek, and the Creation of Contemporary Politics

Economics as Ideology: Keynes, Laski, Hayek and the Creation of Contemporary Politics explores the lives and thought of three powerful theorists who shaped the foundations of the center, left, and right of the political spectrum in the 20th century....

Robert Sobel

Inside Wall Street

A highly readable account that captures the atmosphere, excitement, and personalities of Wall Street for a century, 1877-1977. Focusing on new interest groups that arose to rival the traditional ones, it describes and analyzes the challenges that...

Klaus Schomann, Philip J. O'Connell

Education, Training and Employment Dynamics: Transitional Labour Markets in the European Union (Labour Markets and Employment Policy)

Education and training are of critical importance to individual employment prospects. This book questions whether the policies that govern education, training and employment actually facilitate or inhibit social integration. The authors analyze...

Angie Hollerich, Angie Hollerich

The Weight and Wealth Factors

The Weight and Wealth Factors is written to help you make sense of the factors that effect your ability to have successful weight management and wealth accumulation. Once you identify the 12 factors: environment, motivation, habits, family, budget,...

Jane H. Bailey, Thomas R. Guskey

Inplementing Student-Led Conferences (Experts on Assessment Kit)...

<<<  Глобальное сообщество: новая система координат (подходы ...             Hiroaki Kitano, James A. Hendler. Massively Parallel Artificial ... >>>

Ливе Народ.ру Народ.ру Поиск работы Русско-литовский разговорник. Русско-литовский разговорник содержит Грета Ионкис. Евреи и немцы в контексте истории и культуры Кир Булычев. Новые приключения Алисы Diana Weynand. Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro 4 Все о Линукс Знакомства Вики Линетт Лонг. Задорные дроби
Железнодорожный, Питер, Москв, Тверь, Нефтеюганск, Вологда, Новороссийск, Железнодорожный, Ярославль, Армавир, Глазов, Пермь, Уфа, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Муром, Петрозаводск, Норильск, Курск, Санкт-Петербург, Ангарск, ВеликийНовгород, Тольятти,
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