Troy Waugh

Power Up Your Profits : 31 Days to Better Selling

This book is also available in CD format for the same price of $59.00. There are 10 CDs total....

Pat Hudson

The Genesis of Industrial Capital

This book analyses the sources of finance used in the Yorkshire wool textile sector during a period of rapid expansion, considerable technical change and the gradual transformation from domestic and workshop production to factory industry. Although...

Joe Torre

Joe Torre's Ground Rules for Winners : 12 Keys to Managing Team Players, Tough Bosses, Setbacks, and Success

This BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal Business, and New York Post bestseller is now in paperback! "Joe Torre is not only a winner but a man who exemplifies leadership for the new millennium. Great book that's on the money."--Rick Pitino,...

Risk Management: 10 Principles

In the same way as the 4Ps of marketing are a fundamental principle of business theory, this book puts forward the 10Ps of Risk Management as a consistent and comprehensive approach to the subject. The 10Ps of Risk Management offers a...

Dayle Smith

The Eleven Keys To Leadership

Are leaders born or made? How can I become a more successful leader in my organization? What do I need to do to meet the challenges of the new workplace? Dayle M. Smith, Ph.D., answers these and other crucial questions for every aspiring leader. In...

Holly Sklar, Laryssa Mykyta, Susan Wefald

Raise the Floor: Wages and Policies That Work for All of Us

"They work full time in the richest nation on earth, yet they can?t make ends meet. They can?t make ends meet because their wages are too low. They are health care aides who can?t afford health insurance. They work in the food...

R. Earl Hadady

Contrary Opinion: Using Sentiment to Chart the Markets

Measure market sentiment and predict market trends. Contrary opinion is the opposite opinion of the sentiment held by the majority. If eighty percent of traders are bearish then a bullish view would be a contrary opinion. As developer...

Borislav Knezevic

Figures of Finance Capitalism: Writing, Class and Capital in Mid-Victorian Narratives

Figures of Finance Capitalism brings into focus the Victorian narratives by major middle-class writers that portray the workings of finance capitalism, placing such an interest in the context of middle-class misgivings about a class system still...

Gerald Nadler, William Chandon

Smart Questions : Learn to Ask the Right Questions for Powerful Results

Smart Questions offers an entirely new framework for creating solutions. Drawn from the authors' many years of research and field experience, the Smart Questions Approach reveals how the leading creators of solutions in almost every...

Мартин Баксендейл

Ваш офис. Руководство по выживанию

Беспрецедентное руководство по выживанию для офисных работников любого профиля. Опираясь на собственный многолетний опыт и живое воображение, Мартин Баксендейл выработал целый набор бесценных советов и рекомендаций, следование которым...

Brian Caswell, Jay Beale, James C. Foster, Jeremy Faircloth

Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection

Written by lead engineers of the Snort Development team, this will be the first book available on the most commonly used Open Source Intrusion Detection System. Readers will be given invaluable insight into the code base of Snort, and in depth...

<<<  А. С. Грин. А. С. Грин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. ...             В. В. Добровольский. Геохимическое землеведение >>>

Ирина Хакамада. Любовь, вне игры. История одного политического Футбол Jack Davis. Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 One-Click Wow! Русское радио Леонид Утесов. Если любишь, найди. Леонид Компьютерные новости Armando Romero. La rueda de Chicago (Villegas Novela) Блюда из овощей. Овощные блюда богаты витаминами, Gunter Nitschke. Japanese Gardens Lee Bouvier, Jacqueline Bouvier. One Special Summer Российская газета Справочник по прикладной статистике. В двух Вакансии Акиф Пиринчи. Дуэль Александр Горбачев. Тайм-менеджмент. Время Вакансии
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