Luanne Rice

Stone Heart

From New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice comes a long-awaited opportunity for readers to discover an acclaimed early novel–one of this cherished storyteller’s most powerful and complex portraits of the fragile bonds of...

Dan Chaon

You Remind Me of Me: A Novel

With his critically acclaimed Among the Missing and Fitting Ends , award-winning author Dan Chaon proved himself a master of the short story form. He is a writer, observes the Chicago Tribune , who can “convincingly squeeze...

Revival: An Anthology of the Best Black Canadian Writing

The success of George Elliott Clarke’s anthology Eyeing the North Star: Directions in African-Canadian Literature , published a decade ago, demonstrated the growing interest in black Canadian writing. In this exciting, provocative new...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Leaf Storm: and Other Stories (Perennial Classics)

Contains Leaf Storm , The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World , A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings , Blacaman the Good , Vendor of Miracles , The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship , Monologue of...

Jamshid Gharajedaghi

Systems Thinking, Second Edition: Managing Chaos and Complexity: A Platform for Designing Business Architecture

The first edition of Systems Thinking was the first book to develop a working concept of systems theory and to deal operationally with systems methodology. The author has been working for the last 5 years to incorporate parallel development in...

Vic Ziegel, Claus Guglberger

Summer in the City: New York Baseball 1947-1957

Between 1947, when Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, and 1957, when the Dodgers and the New York Giants played their last season in the East, New York baseball teams appeared in ten World Series. In seven of those years, either the Giants...

Margot Anne Kelley

Local Treasures: Geocaching across America (Center for American Places-Center Books on American Places)

In the spring of 2000, a man in Oregon hid a box of toys in the woods, posted the geographic coordinates of its location on a Web site, and issued a challenge for others to find it. People used their GPS receivers to find his treasure, and a...

Ernest Albrecht

The Contemporary Circus: Art of the Spectacular

Creating the Contemporary Circus is an examination and analysis of the creative process whereby such circuses as Cirque du Soleil, the Big Apple Circus and Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey develop their productions....

Георгий Данелия

Джентльмены удачи и другие киносценарии

В сборник вошли сценарии известного российского кинодраматурга и режиссера Георгия Данелия, в том числе сценарии к фильмам "Тридцать три", "Афоня", "Джентльмены удачи" и др....

Сергей Воронин

Ненужная слава. Всего дороже

В однотомник лауреата Государственной премии РСФСР им. М.Горького Сергея Воронина вошли повести, наиболее характерные для творчества этого глубокого современного мастера слова....

Брайан Трейси, Бетти Янгс

Как воспитать счастливых, здоровых и уверенных в себе детей (аудиокнига MP3)

Быть родителями - целая наука, это сложный и кропотливый труд. Все родители мечтают, чтобы их дети росли любящими, радовали успехами, смогли многого добиться в жизни. Однако как получить гарантированное воплощение мечты в реальность? Благодаря...

<<<  А. Н. Рурукин, Г. В. Лупенко, И. А. Масленникова. ...             В. В. Добровольский. Геохимическое землеведение >>>

Рамблер Александр Гордон. Александр Гордон. Диалоги. The Beatles. Please Please Me. I Saw Her Standing Вести Ann Sawyer, K. T. Bright. The Access Manual Auditing and Managing Работа Stephen Haber. The Politics of Property Rights : Political Jordan E. Goodman, Jordan Goodman. Everyone's Money Book on College Иннокентий Павлов, сост.. Новый Завет. Избранные тексты. Интерпретации. Комментарии Чужие. Платформа: WIN Компьютерная игра,
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