Эсайас Тегнер

Сага о Фритьофе. Аксель

Издание выпущено в 1935 году издательством "Academia". Ледериновый издательский переплет, суперобложка отсутствует. Сохранность хорошая. "Сага о Фритьофе" (перевод со шведского Б. Ю. Айхенвальда, А. И. Смирницкого) и "Аксель" (перевод со...

Надежда Анохина

Ангел за моим плечом. Хранители нашего здоровья

Книга продолжает знакомить читателей с ясновидящей Надеждой Анохиной. Как оставаться здоровым до глубокой старости? Как избавиться от боли без таблеток? Как преодолеть усталость и беспокойство, избавиться от дурных привычек? В чем же человеческое...

Derek Howard Aldcroft, Michael J. Oliver

Exchange Rate Regimes in the Twentieth Century

This book, now available in paperback, provides the first comprehensive and accessible account of the evolution of exchange rate regimes in the twentieth century. It presents a chronological, non-technical history and in doing so manages to link the...

Alexander S. Preker, Guy Carrin

Health Financing for Poor People: Resource Mobilization and Risk Sharing

Most community financing schemes have evolved in the context of severe economic constraints, political instability, and lack of good governance. Usually government taxation capacity is weak, formal mechanisms of social protection for vulnerable...

Jacques B. Gelinas

Juggernaut Politics : Understanding Predatory Globalization

The need for maximum labor flexibility in order to ensure competitiveness has replaced the old aim of making workers into productive allies and mass consumers. Jacques B. Gelinas' vivid text picks out the key elements of this new economic...

Jan Bailey Mattia

Job Interviews Made Easy (... Made Easy)

Made Easy Series Job Interviews Made Easy CONTENTS: A Look at One Job Interview; Interview Varieties; Becoming an Active Participant; the Interview; Follow Up; You're Offered the Job. Now What?; That Was Then. . .This Is Now...

Robert Gerardi

Opportunities in Music Careers, Revised Edition

" Opportunities in Music Careers is an encyclopedic view of the world of music—pop to classical, performer to management. Its diversity is quite astounding, and a young person in love with music can find a place in the field of his or...

Usa Ibp, International Business Publications USA

Pakistan Investment and Business Guide

Ultimate guide for starting and conducting a successful business in the respected countries. Detailed information on investment, export-import business opportunities, foreign economic assistance projects, government and business contacts and more....

Dennis C. Kinlaw

Coaching for Commitment, Trainer's Package: includes one Trainer's Guide and video, plus sample copies of all participant materials : Interpersonal St ... perior Performance from Individuals and Teams

Coaching is for everyone! In this all-new edition of his best-selling package, Dennis Kinlaw gives you the insight you need to improve performance by empowering your colleagues. In today's employee-centered organizations, the...

Ray Hudson

Producing Places

This book synthesizes a vast body of theory and research on production in capitalist societies. Ray Hudson considers both the specific sites in which production occurs, such as factory, office, and home, and the production of places in which we...

Walter R. Good, Roy W. Hermansen

Index Your Way to Investment Success

A winning investment strategy for today's volatile markets. Long a secret guarded by financial insiders, index funds have become a favorite with individual investors of every level. Drawing on their years of experience managing institutional...

<<<  Мария Арбатова. Визит нестарой дамы. Автобиографическая ...             В. В. Добровольский. Геохимическое землеведение >>>

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