Charles Geisler, Gail Daneker

Property and Values: Alternatives to Public and Private Ownership

Property and Values offers a fresh look at property rights issues, bringing together scholars, attorneys, government officials, community development practitioners, and environmental advocates to consider new and more socially equitable forms of...

George Radnoti

Profit Strategies for Air Transportation (Aviation Week Books)

* Presents practical and profitable solutions to problems encountered by commercial and regional airlines, charter, cargo, and corporate aircraft operations, businesses, and fractional and lease aircraft companies * Details save-money, make-money...

Robert W. De Roos

The Thirsty Land: The Story of the Central Valley Project

Those interested in how water would determine the wealth of California will find this intriguing book a saga of politics and engineering, agriculture and economics, power and propaganda...

Mary Helen, Shuford Smith

101 Secrets for a Great Retirement : Practical, Inspirational, & Fun Ideas for the Best Years of Your Life!

More than 5,000 people retire every day--yet there have been no retirement books that are both informative and motivational until now. 101 Secrets for a Great Retirement encourages and inspires retirees to simplify their lives and pursue...


Certified MBA Exam Prep Guide

Developed by the best subject matter experts in the business field, South-Western's Certified MBA Exam Prep Guide delivers nearly 1700 highly-targeted practice exam questions aligned directly with the objectives for the 10 key subject areas...

Richard Longstreth

City Center to Regional Mall: Architecture, the Automobile, and Retailing in Los Angeles, 1920-1950

Winner of the Society of Architectural Historians' 1999 Spiro Kostof Award "[A]n engaging look at the neglected history of retail architecture and its relationship to the automobile." -- Mary Marien, Christian Science Monitor ...

Дмитрий Воронин

Воинство сатаны

Стражи. Некогда они защищали Границы, разделяющие миры, а потом - исчезли. Куда? Этого не знал никто... Но теперь - века и века спустя - оставленные без присмотра Границы истончаются и рвутся, и сквозь эти разрывы в миры приходит Нечто, несущее...

Julian Brown

Quest for the Quantum Computer

Taking readers to the cutting edge of physics, mathematics, and computer science, Julian Brown tells the dramatic story of the groundbreaking efforts to create a fundamentally new kind of computer that would be astronomically more powerful than...

Aneesha Bakharia

JavaServer Pages Fast & Easy Web Development w/CD

Premier Press Fast & Easy® approach is now available for Web developers! Don't spend your time wading through manuals to learn JavaServer Pages. Spend it doing what you do bestcreating Web pages! Providing sound information about JavaServer...

Kristian Besley, Ben Renow-Clarke

Learn Programming with Flash MX

Learn Programming with Flash MX , a book for absolute beginners, covers the fundamental programming principles and skills that every programmer needs to master to create well-structured and efficient code that lives up to professional...

Mark S. Dragan

The Next Wave and the Next

Predictive Patterns reveal next two major paradigm shifts in the business and technical industries and the advent of human-context technologies....

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