Stephen McQuerry

CCNA Self-Study: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND) 640-811, 640-801 (2nd Edition) (Self-Study Guide)

Learn the concepts on the new CCNA 640-801 and ICND 640-811 exams with the only Cisco authorized self-study guide Master ICND with the Second Edition of the best-selling self-study guide for CCNA Complement instructor-led...

Joel Sklar

Designing Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets

As our Internet devices become more portable, it's becoming increasingly essential that Web pages be designed in a way such that users can access sites clearly and effectively from a variety of remote devices and Web browsers. Cascading Style...

Therese M. Donovan, Charles W. Welden

Conservation Biology and Landscape Ecology: Spreadsheet Exercises

The exercises in this unique book allow students to use spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft® Excel to create working population models. Tailored for conservation biology and landscape ecology applications, this volume contains basic...

Danny Goodman

Be Efraid, Be Very Efraid

Spammers, scammers, and hackers are destroying electronic mail. The email inbox that once excited you with messages from friends, family, and business prospects now causes outright dread and rage. With unsolicited and unwelcome email accounting for...

Altova Inc, Altova Ges M. B. H.

XML Spy 4.2 User and Reference Manual

XML Spy 4.2 Suite is the ultimate software development tools suite for Advanced XML Application Development! XML Spy 4.2 Suite makes learning XML Technologies easy with the help of an intuitive & easy-to-use product family. The user & reference...

L. C. Paulson, C. J. van Rijsbergen

Logic and Computation : Interactive Proof with Cambridge LCF (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)

Logic and Computation is concerned with techniques for formal theorem-proving, with particular reference to Cambridge LCF (Logic for Computable Functions). Cambridge LCF is a computer program for reasoning about computation. It combines methods of...

Diku International Summer School on Partial Evaluation, John Hatcliff, Torben . Mogensen, P. Thiemann

Partial Evaluation: Practice and Theory : Diku 1998 International Summer School Copenhagen, Denmark, June 29-July 10, 1998 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

As the complexity of software increases, researchers and practicioners continue to seek better techniques for engineering the construction of evolution of software. Partial evaluation is an attractive technology for modern software construction...

James D. Tisdall

Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics

Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics covers the core Perl language and many of its module extensions, presenting them in the context of biological data and problems of pressing interest to the biological community. This book, along with ...

Правила крови

Уже много тысячелетий незримо для посторонних глаз существует на берегах Москвы-реки обитель магов и чародеев, последних потомков древних властителей Земли. Но Тайный Город не превратился в памятник самому себе, он не стареет - нет, он живет и...

Сева Галкин


Русская фотография конца XX века была совершенно лишена мужского эротизма. В ней не было маскулинной эротики. Сева Галкин открыл мужское тело в современном русском фотоискусстве, которое к началу 1990-х привыкло к обилию лишь невзрачного женского...

Джек Лондон

Мартин Иден. Рассказы

В книгу американского писателя Джека Лондона (1876-1916) вошли роман "Мартин Иден" (1909) и рассказы разных периодов творчества писателя....

<<<  John Gray, Gray John. How to Get What You ...             Н. В. Мотрошилова. Мераб Мамардашвили. Философские ... >>>

Г. Р. Хамидуллина. Управление затратами. Планирование. Учет. Нигма William A. Cohen. How to Make It Big As a Consultant Эрих Мария Ремарк. Триумфальная арка. Жизнь взаймы. Kenneth Merchant, Wim Van der Stede. Management Control Mario Piattini. Auditing Information Systems KANTATEN BWV 80,51,140,106,82+. KANTATEN BWV 80,51,140,106,82+ John Denver. Poems, Prayers and Promises: The Art and Soul Почта Конференция Поиск мета Sylvia Rosen. Patternmaking: A Comprehensive Билайн Агент майл.ру
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