La Via del Carbone/The Road to coal/La Route du Charbon

Book DescriptionUsing only black and white film, photographer Patrizia Bonanzinga traced the path of China's coal industry that runs along the Datong-Beijing axis, and presents here a touching, yet very tough and complex view of that universe. The...

The Globe Pequot Press

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta : A Postcard Book (Postcard Books)

Book Description 20 wonderful photos of the largest ballooning event in the world. ...

Jon Courtenay Grimwood


Book DescriptionPart mystery, part speculative fiction, and wholly unforgettable, Jon Courtenay Grimwood’s celebrated Arabesk series portrays the dark, hard-boiled story of a man out to prove his innocence in an alternate world where the ...

Roger Zelazny

Last Defender of Camelot

Book Description One of the greatest storytellers of our time, Roger Zelazny was a writer who created entire civilizations from whole cloth as masterfully as he explored mankind's place in the cosmos. From the depths of space to the depths of the...

Lara Swimmer

Process: Seattle Central Library

Book DescriptionProcess: Seattle Central Library is an intimate glimpse into the creation of one of the most unique buildings in the world through the camera of architectural photographer, Lara Swimmer. With over 90 spectacular images spanning the...

Mitchell Schwarzer

Zoomscape: Architecture in Motion and Media

Book DescriptionAlthough a few among us are intrepid architectural tourists, visiting buildings and landscapes our cameras at the ready, most of us experience architecture through the windshield of a moving vehicle, the architectural experience...

Jane Porter

The Frog Prince

Book DescriptionHolly Bishop is the proverbial, small-town good girl. She always follows the rules, thinks of others first, and she never, ever makes mistakes. Until she marries the man she thought was her Prince Charming, who confesses on their...

Hendrick Ferguson

The Music I Love... The Business I Hate...

Book DescriptionAs the music industry vigorously tries to fight music piracy and record companies are downsizing quicker than you can download a song or getting swallowed up by some big conglomerate, it?s safe to say that the music business is...

Derek Fell

Van Gogh's Women: His Love Affairs and a Journey Into Madness

Book DescriptionA widowed first cousin, Kee; a prostitute named Sien; shy, spinsterish Margot Bergemann; the seventeen-year-old peasant girl Stien de Groot-to all of them Vincent van Gogh would declare his love. In none of them would he find the...

Catherine Bowman

Word of Mouth : Poems Featured on NPR's All Things Considered (Vintage)

Book DescriptionStarting in 1995, NPR’s All Things Considered began presenting poets reading their own works. Introduced by “poetry DJ” Catherine Bowman, these popular short segments allowed listeners to experience poetry...

Роман Глушков

Клетка без выхода

Аферист и налетчик Арсений Белкин привык к рискованной жизни. Однако сюрприз, который судьба преподносит Арсению во время очередного ограбления, выходит за всякие рамки. Получив смертельные ранения, неудачливый грабитель не попадает в тюремный...

<<<  Л. В. Савельева. Я учу слова. Русский язык. 3 класс             Н. В. Мотрошилова. Мераб Мамардашвили. Философские ... >>>

Аллегро с огнем. Владимир Заманский ("День Марлен Сьюзон. Полночная невеста Эрих Фромм. Человек для самого себя. Введение в психологию Репка. Книга-панорама. Если у тебя много верных, надежных М. А. Давыдова. Сценарии музыкальных календарных и фольклорных праздников Гогле К. С. Льюис. Хроники Нарнии: Лев, колдунья Уильям Шекспир. Уильям Шекспир. Сонеты (подарочное издание) Автомобильный портал В. И. Волосатов. Физика эфира. Часть 1. Некоторые закономерности эволюции Билайн ДМОЗ
Шахты, Уссурийск, Киселёвск, Бийск, Курган, Хасавюрт, Брянск, Щёлково, Смоленск, Стерлитамак, Набережные Челны, Благовещенск, Армавир, Великие Луки, Ковров, Химки, Шахты, Подольск, Подольск, Москва , Омск, Назрань, Муром, Глазов, Серпухов, Жуковский, Псков, Магнитогорск, СергиевПосад,
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