Jess Benhabib

Cycles and Chaos in Economic Equilibrium

In recent years economists have begun to use the techniques of non-linear dynamics to show that some apparently erratic and turbulent economic phenomena reflect subtle underlying patterns. How do cyclic and chaotic dynamics arise in economic models...

Harrison C. White

Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of Production.

In Markets from Networks , one of America's most influential sociologists unveils a groundbreaking theory of the market economy. Arguing that most economists use overly abstract models of how the economy operates, Harrison White seeks a...

Wayne C. Booth

The Company We Keep: An Ethics of Fiction

In The Company We Keep, Wayne C. Booth argues for the relocation of ethics to the center of our engagement with literature. But the questions he asks are not confined to morality. Returning ethics to its root sense, Booth proposes that the...

Margaret Parkin

Tales for Change: Using Storytelling to Develop People and Management

The link between storytelling and the concept of change and transition is as old as some of the stories themselves; the frog turns into the handsome prince, the ugly duckling into a swan and Cinderella into a princess. However, storytelling is not...

Joan Lloyd

The Career Decisions Planner: When to Move, When to Stay, and When to Go Out on Your Own

Designed to aid readers in analyzing their careers, offering specific problem-solving strategies for dead-end jobs. Describes how to diagnose the signals that point to crossroads in one's career such as problems with the boss, personal satisfaction,...

Marilyn, Ph.D. Manning, Patricia Haddock

Developing As a Professional: 50 Tips for Getting Ahead (Fifty-Minute Series)

Knowing your job is an important step in getting ahead at work, but being good at your job may not be enough. You must also be thought of as a professional business person. Being a professional is more than being technically proficient. It's...

Hazel J. Johnson

The Banker's Guide To Investment Banking: Securities & Underwriting Activities in Commercial Banking

The Banker's Guide to Investment Banking is the premier source for providing the insight on participating and underwriting various securities. Updated with timely information on this ever-changing industry, the Guide gives an edge to accessing this...

Ward Randall Kangas

Two Essays in Finance: Market Response to Catastrophic Events on the Insurance Industry and Return on Investment of a Land Grant University

1 edition...

Cynthia J. Levy, Jeffrey D. Schultz

Global Links: A Guide to Key People and Institutions Worldwide

Developed to serve as a vital link in the global chain of information, this convenient directory contains the most comprehensive list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of government, judicial, and legislative leaders worldwide. Contact...

Michael J. Marquardt, Greg Kearsley, American Society for Training and Development

Technology-Based Learning: Maximizing Human Performance and Corporate Success

Companies worldwide are recognizing the critical importance of harnessing the learning capabilities of people and technology in the workplace. Technology-Based Learning:Maximizing Human Performance and Corporate Success shows how to capture and...

Alan Gordon, Yatman Lai, Jim Hollahan, Kathleen Barclay

The Live E-Learning Cookbook

Real-time, instructor-led live e-learning , leverages the Internet to improve training efficiency and effectiveness. The best of in-person instruction is combined with the dynamics of the Internet to help employees apply knowledge and...

<<<  Т. С. Сухова, Т. А. Козлова, Н. И. Сонин. Общая биология. ...             Н. В. Мотрошилова. Мераб Мамардашвили. Философские ... >>>

Морозко. Русские народные сказки. П. Гульткер. Первобытные люди А. Бэссо. Юдифь. История любви Гого Михаил Булгаков. Михаил Булгаков. Собрание сочинений Ю. М. Неруш. Логистика в схемах и таблицах Народ.ру Работа Почта Почта МТС
Саранск, Новочебоксарск, Санкт-Петербург, Якутск, Хабаровск, Абакан, Ростов-на-Дону, Калуга, Челябинск, Омск, Сыктывкар,
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