Elizabeth De Boer-Ashworth

The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change: The Place of the Central European Transition (International Political Economy Series)

This book examines the effect of post-Soviet transitions on current problem solving trends with regards to world capitalism. The fall of Soviet communism left liberal capitalism as the dominant blueprint from which to construct economic...

James Carville, Paul Begala

Buck Up, Suck Up, and Come Back When You Foul Up: 12 Winning Secrets from the War Room

The political strategists who directed the Clinton campaign's War Room reveal the lessons and secrets from their hard-fought battles -- and how to use these highly effective strategies for success in business and everyday life. James...

Neil W. Chamberlain

Social Strategy and Corporate Structure (Program for Studies of the Modern Corporation)

This new work by Neil W. Chamberlain will be of great importance to the business community -- and to all those charged with defining the role large corporations play in the affairs of society. Social Strategy and Corporate Structure ...

Vincent Miller

Guidebook for Global Entrepreneurs

As the world business climate becomes increasingly global, and the international arena becomes incresingly important, the need for understanding cross-cultural differences between nations and races becomes increasingly acute. The...

Richard H. Grove

Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600-1860 (Studies in Environment and History)

Green Imperialism is the first book to document the origins and early history of environmentalism, concentrating especially on its hitherto unexplained colonial and global aspects. It highlights the significance of Utopian, Physiocratic, and medical...

Steve Lumby, Christopher Jones

Fundamentals of Investment Appraisal

This new short text by the authors of Investment Appraisal and Financial Decisions focuses on investment appraisal decisions. Fundamentals of Investment Appraisal examines the internal workings of a company rather than covering the much broader...

The Many Faces of Multi-Level Issues

Hardbound. The Many Faces of Multi-Level Issues is the first volume in the new annual series Research in Multi-Level Issues . The purpose of these annual volumes is to present timely, scholarly work on multiple levels of analysis,...

Robert W. Terry

Seven Zones for Leadership: Acting Authentically in Stability and Chaos

As our world changes, so does our understanding of what leadership means. Every day brings a new theme-of-the-day solution. But there are no quick fixes and one leadership style does not fit all. Instead, SEVEN ZONES FOR LEADERSHIP offers a...

Rich Hall, Derek Ball, Barry Shilmover, Rich Hall, Derek Ball, Barry Shilmover

How to Do Everything with Your Dell Axim Handheld (How to Do Everything)

Why waste time with badly written documentation and flimsy manuals. This easy-to-follow guide will help you achieve the Axim X5 Handheld mobile lifestyle—including connecting and synchronizing to your PC or laptop. Manage appointments, use...

Jeff Rule

Dynamic HTML : The HTML Developer's Guide

This concise and readable tutorial and reference is just what web developers need to ease the learning curve for the exciting new technology called DHTML. It helps them understand the principles behind DHTML and acquire techniques for effective...

Michael Trott

The Mathematica Guidebook for Programming (+ DVD-ROM)

Mathematica is today's most advanced technical computing system. It features a rich programming environment, two-and three-dimensional graphics capabilities and hundreds of sophisticated, powerful programming and mathematical functions using...

<<<  Составитель Роальд Даль. Рассказы о привидениях             Н. В. Мотрошилова. Мераб Мамардашвили. Философские ... >>>

Бесплатные объявления Рефераты Пришелец из космоса. Франциско Ларранага, Адриан Руиз дель Две судьбы (4 DVD). От 60-х годов до 600-х мерседесов: В Игры Роберт Льюис Стивенсон. Странная история доктора Джекила и мистера Хайда Erik Kriek. Gutsman Ray Whittington, Kurt Pany. Principles of Auditing Поиск мета Работа Рамблер Hyundai H-CSD694. Четырёхполосная автомобильная акустическая система Счетчик Вакансии Дмитрий Емец. Мефодий Буслаев. Свиток желаний Rives Hassell-Corbiell. Developing Training Courses : A Technical Writer's
Красноярск, Улан-Удэ, Химки, Ижевск, Коломна, Глазов, Прокопьевск, Каменск-Уральский, Псков,
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