Patrick Rice

Digital Portrait Photography of Teens and Seniors : Shooting and Selling Techniques for Photographers

Book Description Divided into two parts, this guide shows studio owners and photographers how to increase visibility, creativity, and financial rewards in the teen and senior portrait market. The first section is focused on technical mastery,...

Richard Brilliant

Portraiture (Reaktion Books - Essays in Art and Culture)

Book DescriptionThis is the first general and theoretical study devoted entirely to portraiture. More than a survey of the genre or a history of its reception, Richard Brilliant probes the connections between the subject-matter of portraits and the...

Nicholas Brooks

Communities and Warfare, 700-1400

Book Description These essays reflect the author's continuing fascination with the effect of warfare on medieval government and society. Many of them seek to show how the archaeological and written evidence can be related and to demonstrate the...

Patricia A. McKillip


Book Description Kyreol's small world begins at the Face, a high rock cliff, and ends at Fourteen Falls, a series of rapids. Each year, her people celebrate Moon-Flash-a spark of light that seems to come from and go into the moon, a symbol of...

Frankie Morris

Artist Of Wonderland: The Life, Political Cartoons, And Illustrations Of Tenniel (Victorian Literature and Culture Series)

Book DescriptionBest known today as the illustrator for Lewis Carroll's Alice books, John Tenniel was the Victorian era's chief political cartoonist. This extensively illustrated book is the first to draw almost exclusively on primary sources...

Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Book DescriptionTom Sawyer remains one of the most beloved characters in the history of fiction, and this best-selling reading gives Tom and his adventures new life. All the memorable characters and scenes are here in this unabridged version: Aunt...

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Bell's Palsy

Book DescriptionThis sourcebook has been created for patients who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health...

Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff

All 17 songs from the 2004 sophomore release by teen superstar Hilary Duff. Includes: Cry * Do You Want Me? * Fly * I Am * Jericho * Mr. James Dean * Shine * Who's That Girl * and more....

Ставропольский край. Путеводитель Пти Фюте

В путеводителе: Визитная карточка области; Регион туристический; Перед отъездом; Внутренний транспорт; Природные условия; История; Экономика; Кто есть кто; Ставрополь; Общие сведения; ...

Б. Т. Удодов

Роман М. Ю. Лермонтова "Герой нашего времени"

Основная цель издания - помочь учителю разобраться в сложных проблемах романа, раскрыть многообразие художественного мира "Героя нашего времени" в его не только конкретно-историческом, но и общечеловеческом содержании. Книга адресована...

Андрей Воронин

Медик. Опасные гастроли

Расследуя загадочное убийство двойника популярного артиста Андрея Данилко, капитан МВД Олег Коган открывает все новые и новые обстоятельства дела....

<<<  Эдуард Тополь. Московский полет             Д. Мережковский. Д. Мережковский. Собрание сочинений. Грядущий Хам >>>

Л. Н. Пятницкий. Уравнение Навье-Стокса Робин Маккензи, Крейг Кьюби. 7 шагов к жизни без боли Cyndi Crother, The Crew of World-Famous Pike Place Fish. Catch! A Fishmonger's Шухрат Р.-Ф. Сайфуллаев. Эволюция и природа Одноклассники Русское радио Автомобильный портал Георг Кюлевинд. Ступени сознания. Медитация за границы души Нехочуха. Сборник мультфильмов. Сборник отечественных Корбина
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