Barbara Kowal

Not Just Your Average Joe

A biography of my husband, Joe Kowal, president of Sumdeigh, Inc. This edition was penned for his 50th birthday....

Andrea Beltratti

Models of Economic Growth With Environmental Assets (Ecology, economy, and environment)

This book considers the implications of models of economic growth for the debate on sustainability. The interplay between economic and ecological systems is analyzed, also taking into account issues of equity and risk. The main part of the book...

Robert W. Wassmer, Robert Wassmer

Readings in Urban Economics: Issues and Public Policy (Blackwell Readings in Contemporary Economics)

Readings in Urban Economics: Issues and Public Policy gathers popular press articles, reviews of applied economics literature, and regression-based empirical studies to examine pressing public policy issues in urban areas. The readings extend beyond...

Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies

'Creating Value through Business Strategy' is the new edition of 'Creating Value: Shaping Tomorrow's Business', winner of the MCA price for best management in 1997. This new edition provides constructive guidelines to readers to open their...

Irene Van Staveren, Irene Van Staveren

Caring for Economics: An Aristotelian Perspective (Economics as Social Theory)

This book seeks to bring human caring back into economic theory, attacking assumptions that little attention has to be paid to values since they are merely subjective....

Lucy McCarraher, Lucy Daniels

The Book of Balanced Living: Options to Take Control of Your Time, Work and Life

This book offers case studies, insights, testimonials and advide for the person who wants to take coltrol of their life, but don't know where to start or which way to turn....

Edmund M. Burke, The New Expectations for Today's Corporation

Corporate Community Relations: The Principle of the Neighbor of Choice

Burke challenges the current thesis that companies should act responsibly toward communities and societies. Instead, he shows that changes in society mandate that companies must develop strategies and programs that foster a reputation of trust in...

Michael John Webber, Mark Wang, Ying Zhu, Michael Webber

China's Transition to a Global Economy

How has China approached the global economy? Webber, Wang and Zhu attempt to answer this question through analysis of the concepts of globalization, transition and regionalization. China's approach has been experimental, stressing the...

Robin A. Johnson, Norman Walzer

Local Government Innovation : Issues and Trends in Privatization and Managed Competition

Nationally recognized scholars and practitioners examine opportunities in which services traditionally provided by local governments are offered by the private sector though a contract or are transferred to a private business completely. Many large...

Stephane Garelli

World Competitiveness Yearbook 1999

The World's leading analysis on the competitiveness of nations, it is an invaluable tool for investment decisions and research. It uses an extensive and unique network of 33 Partner Institutes around the world provide us with first hand...

Bill Silliker Jr.

Saving Maine: An Album of Conservation Success Stories

Is Maine?s famed natural character vanishing? The answer is: no, not all of it, thanks to the hard work and generosity of people such as Percival Baxter and Peggy Rockefeller, and of dozens of concerned, ordinary citizens and groups such as the...

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А. А. Кыров. Комментарий к Федеральному закону Dexter Gordon. More Power!. Представляем вашему вниманию альбом Майка-тельняшка морская. Размер 56. Эта классическая Бесплатный хостинг Погода Работа Анна Исакова. Ах, эта черная луна Diane Lindsey Reeves, Gayle Bryan, Nancy Bond. Yona Zeldis McDonough. All the Available Joseph Ciaglia. Introduction to Digital Photography (2nd Edition) Б. Ю. Хигир. Имя, отчество и их влияние на сексуальность Бесплатный хостинг Е. И. Соколова. Дневник развития ребенка от 5 до 6 лет Елена Крыжановская. Свадебное путешествие Гиацинта Почта Яхо М. Шорникова. Музыкальная литература. Русская David E. Carter. Big Book of Color in Design Сильнее огня. Никита Зверев ("Русский перевод"), Татьяна Арнтгольц Федор Евсевский. Библия бармена. Все спиртные напитки, вина и коктейли Гарфилд малышам: Учим буквы и слова. Веселая учеба с самым
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