Adobe Acrobat 7.0. Полиграфия, электронные книги и документы, Web-публикации. Официальный учебный курс (+ CD-ROM)

Все, кто когда-либо работал со сложными электронными документами - а это могут быть бизнесмены, дизайнеры, инженеры - знают, насколько сложно не упустить в них малейшую подробность. И для всех для них Adobe Acrobat - основной инструмент работы с...

Atul Uchil

I OPTED OUT: The Chronicles Of A Corporate Rat Race Junkie

Dr. Uchil's second book on corporate America is a perfect compliment his first book. CONSULTING: A JOB OR A LIFESTYLE; is an academic analysis of the trials and tribulations faced by individuals that choose management consulting as a career. I OPTED...

Alternative Economic Spaces

Book Description`A hopeful but nonetheless hard-hitting analysis of alternative economic spaces proliferating in the belly of the capitalist beast. In this book Leyshon, Lee and Williams convene fascinating studies of exchange, enterprise, credit...

The Wto And International Trade Law/ Dispute Settlement (Critical Perspectives on the Global Trading System and the Wto Series)

Book DescriptionThe system of dispute resolution within the WTO and its evolution over time have attracted the attention of numerous scholars. This volume brings together a selection of papers by prominent scholars working in a range of disciplines....

Graphis Promotion Design 2 (Graphis Promotion Design)

Book DescriptionThis international collection features the best designs created for a far-reaching variety of promotional purposes. With 300 color photographs, the pieces shown here range from the celebratory, such as wedding and birth announcements...

Theatrum Mundi: Studies in Honor of Ronald W. Tobin

Book DescriptionA major collection of new essays on theatricality in 17th-century French literature. Authors include such internationally distinguished critics and scholars as Jean-Marie Apostolides, Louis Van Delft, Patrick Dandrey, Georges...

Gene Shiles

Pale Yellow Sun

Book DescriptionThe people of Emil, living a relatively idyllic life in a bountiful land, learn that they will soon face great change. Like it or not, they must end their isolation and become entangled in the most critical problem menacing the rest...

L. E. Modesitt Jr.


Book Description Modesitt returns to the twenty-fourth century future of Archform: Beauty , for a new story. Ten years ago, Jonat deVrai was a rising star in the Marines. But he shocked his superiors by walking away from the Corps after...

Thomas Nikolai

The Superintendent's Guide to Controlling Putting Green Speed

Book DescriptionLet renowned expert Thomas Nikolai bring you up to speed on establishing and maintaining the best green speeds for your course. He covers it all: playability, environmental and weather factors, mowing, turfgrass species selection......

Gregory Frost

Attack of the Jazz Giants and Other Stories

Book Description This collection of 14 stories from a Nebula, Hugo, Tiptree, International Horror Guild, and World Fantasy Award finalist takes the reader on a wonderful and nightmarish journey. Beginning with a midnight odyssey to a shadowland...

Simon Louvish

Keystone : The Life and Clowns of Mack Sennett

Book Description From the author of Stan and Ollie --a funny, fresh, and compelling look at Hollywood's Original King of Comedy From his early aspirations to sing opera, to his time under the tutelage of D. W. Griffith, to...

<<<  Первопроходцы. Сборник. Герои этого сборника ...             Д. Мережковский. Д. Мережковский. Собрание сочинений. Грядущий Хам >>>

Василий В. Катанян. Лиля Брик. Жизнь Евгений Нестеренко. Тень ведьмы Рефераты Cee-Lo. Cee-Lo Green: Is The Soul Machine. Сольный Энциклопедия аквариумиста. Хотите иметь кусочек Завьялова М.В.. Балто-славянский заговорный текст: лингвистический Steve Parks. How to Fund Your Business: The Essential Guide to Игорь Манн и Анна Турусина. Маркетинговая машина. Почта Яхо Одноклассники Владимир Колычев. Эх, Люба, Любонька! Одноклассники Мой мир Вовка в Тридевятом царстве (аудиокнига CD). Русское радио Русское радио Погода Фильмы Андрея Тарковского (5 DVD). Иваново детство Александр Барков. Денис Давыдов Нигма Frank Joseph. The Atlantis Encyclopedia Фото
Челябинск, Миасс, Киров, Балаково, Димитровград, Ногинск, Тамбов, Сыктывкар, Нижнекамск, Ижевск, Батайск, Грозный, Воронеж, Уссурийск, Орск, Тобольск, Нальчик, Москва, Арзамас, Пенза, Балашиха,
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