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Towers, Perrin, Foster & Crosby Inc. Making Mergers Work : The Strategic Importance of People
Book Description The partnership between SHRM Foundation and Towers Perrin that produced the M&A survey is proud to introduce you to the newly published book, Making Mergers Work: The Strategic Importance of People . The book combines the...
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E. Wayne Nafziger Economic Development, Inequality and War : Humanitarian Emergencies in Developing Countries
Book Description Economic Development, Inequality and War shows how economic decline, income inequality, pervasive rent seeking by ruling elites, political authoritarianism, military centrality and competition for mineral exports...
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Al Seckel SuperVisions: Ambiguous Optical Illusions (Super Visions)
Book Description First you see one thing, then another. The picture changes from one moment to the next, flip-flopping back and forth. That's an ambiguous illusion, and the ones in this largest-ever collection offer constant, pleasurable...
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David Kunzle Fashion and Fetishism
Book DescriptionThis new edition of David Kunzle's rich and revealing history of corsetry and body sculpture, an often racy journey into the enigma of all those who sculpt the shape of their desires onto their bodies....
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Blue Q Wash Away Your Sins Mega Kit (Mega Mini Kits)
Book DescriptionThese miraculous new products are "proven" to wash away sin after sin, reducing guilt by 98.9 percent or more! Industrial strength, they're effective enough for most liars, cheaters, and wrongdoers. Includes one bar of Wash Away Your...
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Howard M. Shulman The Diabetic Patients Handbook: The Easy Guide To Managing Your Diabetes, Second Edition
Book DescriptionWHY READ THIS BOOK? It has been said that without your health you have nothing. Having good health is a goal shared by all people regardless of their social or economic standing. Good health, like other desirable goals in life,...
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Greg Holden How to Do Everything with eBay (How to Do Everything)
Book DescriptionBest-selling author, Greg Holden, addresses everything a beginner needs to know to begin buying and selling on eBay, plus extensively covers intermediate- to advanced-level tips for the more experienced user. Get expert advice on...
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Staton Rabin Black Powder
Book Description South Central Los Angeles, 2010 Fourteen-year-old Langston Davis's best friend, Neely, has been shot and killed in a gang fight. Langston wishes that he could turn back the clock. But he knows you...
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Neil Fulwood One Hundred Violent Films that Changed Cinema
Book Description Here are 100 of the most violent films in cinema history, the ones that viscerally affected moviegoers and stayed fixed in their minds forever. Understand how and why these films work through an illuminating analysis of their...
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Rhoda Wilson Recurrent Miscarriage And Pre-eclampsia: The Roles Played By The Immune System And Antioxidants
Book DescriptionThis book examines the role of antioxidants and of the immune system in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia and recurrent miscarriage. Whilst many papers have discussed the role of antioxidants in pre-eclampsia and, that of the immune...
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А. Ракитин Руза и окрестности
Книга-путеводитель посвящена Рузе - старинному подмосковному городу, а также ее окрестностям. Тихий и уютный подмосковный город, Руза находится вдали от железных дорог и автомобильных магистралей. Именно благодаря такому своему...
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Домой Геннадий Малахов. Голодание и здоровье
С. Маршак. Дали туфельки слону... и другие веселые
Николай Козлов. Философские сказки для обдумывающих житье, или Веселая
Бесплатный хостинг
Поиск мета
Топ майл.ру
Поиск работы
Alex Wilmerding. Term Sheets & Valuations - A Line by Line Look
Череповец, Жуковский, Сызрань, Иваново, Муром, Ульяновск, Старый Оскол, Химки, Щёлково, Челябинск, Норильск, Салават, Ульяновск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Архангельск, Елец, Йошкар-Ола, Ростов-на-Дону, Москва , Ухта, Канск, ВеликийНовгород, Нефтекамск, Бийск, Подольск, Муром, Калуга, Кемерово, Тольятти, Кемерово,
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