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Gershon Shafir, Yoav Peled The New Israel: Peacemaking and Liberalization
Insightful commentary from thirteen Middle Eastern scholars who argue that economic liberalization has helped to promote the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The New Israel: Peacemaking and Liberalization argues that the ongoing...
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Harry Webne-Behrman The Practice of Facilitation
In this guide for those who facilitate group interactions within any public or private organization, Webne-Behrman gives specific strategies for conducting effective meetings, resolving conflicts within a group, building consensus among group...
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Robert W. Zmud Framing the Domains of IT Management : Projecting the Future...Through the Past
This unique and timely new book looks to the future of Information Technology management by examining what has been collectively learned from past research and business activities. Edited by Bob Zmud, Professor and Michael F. Price Chair of MIS at...
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G. Peter Zhang Neural Networks in Business Forecasting
Forecasting is one of the most important activities that form the basis for strategic, tactical, and operational decisions in all business organizations. Recently, neural networks have emerged as an important tool for business forecasting. There are...
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Robert F. Grattan The Strategy Process: A Military-Business Comparison
This book investigates strategy formulation by comparing military & business practices. It assesses whether the strategy process in the business field also prevails in the military context. Based on interviews and case studies, the author uses a...
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Max Edison Financial Freedom Now
At this very moment your bank, your insurance company, your credit card issuer and other financial vampires are slowly, secretly driving you into debt with hidden fees, seemingly incosequential charges and blood-sucking interest rates. Now, Max...
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Danny Goodman Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference (2nd Edition)
Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, 2nd Edition, is an indispensable compendium for web development. The new edition has been updated to cover the latest specifications, including HTML 4.01, CSS Level 2, DOM Level 2, and JavaScript 1.5,...
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Andrew E. Schwartz Adversity Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint
Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create...
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В. Н. Пак 100 выдающихся шахматистов XX века
Книга представляет собой интересный автобиографический материал о сотне лучших шахматистов XX века. Рассказы о мастерах шахматного спорта расположены в хронологическом порядке, начиная с начала столетия....
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Андрей Воронин Слепой. Умереть, чтобы воскреснуть
Внештатного агента ФСБ Глеба Сиверова отправляют на задание, с которым он впервые в жизни не справляется... Конечно же, не по своей вине. Кто за всем этим стоит - читатель узнает, прочитав роман до конца. ...
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Владимир Антонов, Владимир Карпов Разведчики. Герои Советского Союза и Герои России
В книге рассказывается о некоторых эпизодах деятельности советской внешней разведки, о ее сотрудниках, удостоенных за свою работу высокого звания Герой Советского Союза и Герой Российской Федерации: Рамоне Меркадере, Владимире Молодцове, Викторе...
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Домой Pamela Odih. Advertising in Modern and Postmodern Times (Published
Лейл Лаундес. Прощай, застенчивость! 85 способов преодолеть
Дэвид Генри Стерри. Цыпочка
Jeffrey Liker. Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of
Японская кухня. Книга открывает своеобразный
Фенимор Купер. Лоцман
Стремление души. Фильм "Стремление души" о людях, которые, несмотря на
Erik Banks. Exchange-Traded Derivatives
The Wannadies. Before & After. Новый студийный альбом популярных шведов.
B+W KB-3M Conversion 67mm. Фильтр B+W 67E
Pegge Parker Hlavacek. Alias Pegge Parker
Постельное белье "Каллы" (1,5 спальный КПБ, биоматин). Комплект постельного
Sophie Kinsella. Shopaholic & Sister
Monk, Thelonious. The Definitive. Исполнитель: Monk, Thelonious Альбом:
Paul Sanghera. Sun (R) Certified System Administrator
Ижевск, Пенза, Подольск, Сочи, Первоуральск, Рязань, Черкесск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Волгоград, Березники, Кемерово, Елец, Волжский, Люберцы, Серпухов, Жуковский, Рязань, Камышин, Ярославль,
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