Eric Forster

The Mortgage Applicant's Bible

Next to visiting a dentist, applying for a mortgage loan is perceived by most Americans to be a particularly painful experience. In The Mortgage Applicant's Bible , Eric Forster unveils the mystery and shows that once the applicant...

Imad A. Moosa

Foreign Direct Investment: Theory, Evidence and Practice

In Foreign Direct Investment , Imad A. Moosa presents a survey of the vast body of literature and ideas relating to foreign direct investment that will be invaluable as a reference work for all these groups. He provides concise definition and...

Richard Dale

The First Crash: Lessons from the South Sea Bubble

For nearly three centuries the spectacular rise and fall of the South Sea Company has gripped the public imagination as the most graphic warning to investors of the dangers of unbridled speculation. Yet history repeats itself and the same elemental...

Richard Kipp Martin

Large Scale Linear and Integer Optimization: A Unified Approach

Parts I and II of Large Scale Linear and Integer Optimization providean introduction to linear optimization using two simple but unifying ideas-projection and inverse projection. The ideas of projection and inverse projection are also extended to...

William D. Warren, Daniel J. Bussel, Robert L. Bankruptcy Jordan, William Warren, Daniel Bussel

Warren and Bussel's Bankruptcy, 6th (University Casebook Series®)

This law school casebook provides detailed information on bankruptcy law. The casebook provides the tools for on-point study of the fundamentals of all types of bankruptcy issues. Recognizing that Congress likely will make major changes in the way...

Gaurav Sharma

Digital Color Imaging Handbook

Digital technology now enables unparalleled functionality and flexibility in the capture, processing, exchange, and output of color images. But harnessing its potential requires knowledge of color science, systems, processing algorithms, and device...

Michael Moses, Sridhar Seshadri

CD-ROM HOM Operations Management Software - WINDOWS

This product is windows-based and focuses on the heart of operations management tools. Even though the HOM programs have powerful algorithms such as linear programming and integer programming built in, the titles of the programs on this CD-ROM...

Lisa Friedrichsen

Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2002 - Illustrated INTERMEDIATE

Through instructor-led or self-paced step-by-step instruction, individuals learn how to create complex queries, forms, and reports, share Access information with other programs, and add objects to a form....

Eric S. Raymond

The New Hacker's Dictionary - 3rd Edition

"A sprightly lexicon." -- William Safire, New York Times Magazine "For anyone who likes to have slippery, elastic fun with language, this is a time for celebration. . . . The New Hacker's Dictionary . . . is not only a useful guidebook...

Но этот грех, как чудное вино!.. Современная любовная лирика

В этом сборнике любовной лирики представлены стихотворения более 60-ти современных авторов в возрасте от 16-ти до 90 лет, профессионалов и любителей, лауреатов различных премий, в том числе государственных, а также малоизвестных поэтов....

Истории из предыстории. Сказки для взрослых

В сборник включены произведения, принадлежащие перу известных итальянских писателей (А. Моравиа, И. Кальвино, Л. Малерба, Дж. Родари и др.), написанные в жанре притчи, сказки, аллегории с философским и социально-психологическим подтекстом....

<<<  Настольная книга охотника-спортсмена. В двух ...             Guy Steele. Common LISP, Second Edition: The Language (HP Technologies) >>>

Петер Винтерхофф-Шпурк. Медиапсихология. Основные принципы Роберт Хайнлайн. Кукловоды (аудиокнига MP3) J .F. Monin, Michael G. Hinchey. Understanding Formal Поиск людей В. Путник. Путник сновидений. Часть 1. Владимир Высоцкий. Мне есть что спеть Эллен Финкельштейн, Гарди Лит. Macromedia А. А. Вигасин, Г. И. Годер, Г. А. Ртищева. История средних Российская газета МСН Гогле Каталог софта ДМОЗ
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