Ian Beardwell

Contemporary Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis

The `New Industrial Relations' thesis maintains that fundamental change has occurred in British industrial relations sufficient to warrant a re-evaluation of the workplace relationship. In this book leading figures in the field review the...

Jurgen Kaiser, Alain Lambert

Debt Swaps for Sustainable Development: A Practical Guide for Ngos

This publication is aimed at helping IUCN's members to understand the scope and mechanisms of debt conversion and to spot opportunities for their own action in this important field....

John Durand

How to Secure Continuous Security Profits in Modern Markets

1929. This work was planned with the object of bringing together under one cover a considerable amount of fact and theory which it is hoped will be of practical value to our rapidly growing army of traders and investors. It is divided into two parts...

Peter Navarro

When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready?

High-profile events and announcements can cause tremendous swings in stocks and sectors, and often point out tremendous opportunities to investors who know how to read them. When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? is a "how-to" for knowing...

Stormy Friday, David G. Cotts

Quality Facility Management : A Marketing and Customer Service Approach

Stressing the facility manager's role as pro-active strategist and marketer, this compact, up-to-the-minute, user-friendly guide provides a detailed explanation of the tools and techniques needed to implement a customer service program. Features...

Erin Mackie

Market a LA Mode: Fashion, Commodity, and Gender in the Tatler and the Spectator

In Market a la Mode , Erin Mackie examines the role that The Tatler and The Spectator , two eighteenth-century British lifestyle magazines, played in the growth of fashion and how they influenced their readers. She traces the...

Joseph E. Goeters

Environmental Issues in Real Estate

Designed to provide students with a working knowledge of environmental laws and their impact on the real estate industry, this text explores the full range of legal topics, gives specific information on a variety of complex environmental issues, and...

Alan Dyson, Alan Millward

Schools and Special Needs: Issues of Innovation and Inclusion

In Schools and Special Needs , the authors provide a critical perspective on the dominant `inclusion' model of special needs education, in terms of implementation in schools and effectiveness of pupil learning outcomes. They take issues with...

Francesco Balena

Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Create professional-quality applications, components, and user interfaces faster and more efficiently than ever with the powerful object-oriented programming capabilities in the Visual Basic 6.0 development system. From Windows® common controls...

Bruce Eckel

Thinking in Java (3rd Edition)

The legendary author Bruce Eckel brings Java to life with this extraordinarily insightful, opinionated and downright funny introduction. Thinking in Java introduces all of the language's fundamentals, one step at a time, using to-the-point...

Eng E. Aleu

Ready-Made Java Tm 2 Applications for File Maintenance: Templates 2000 for Java Tm 1.2

Create Data Entry Applications for Java (TM) 2 faster and easier using Java classes. Features like: Search a record, Navigation Buttons, Change mode buttonsPick-Lists if desired. Also, queries with records selection using up to three or four...

<<<  И. А. Исаев. Инженерная графика. Рабочая тетрадь             Guy Steele. Common LISP, Second Edition: The Language (HP Technologies) >>>

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