Donald Patrick Foster

To Fill the Unforgiving Minute

The story of a man who believes in making the most of opportunities. His constantly changing world prepares him mentally to be a more fulfilled human being. By creating a brain trust, including current living people as well as lives of minds...

Stephen R. Graves, Thomas G. Addington, Stephen R. Graves, Thomas G. Addington

Behind the Bottom Line: Powering Business Life with Spiritual Wisdom

In Behind the Bottom Line , Stephen R. Graves and Thomas G. Addington — cofounders of the popular journal Life@Work— offer businesspeople a much-needed resource for understanding the spiritual factors that have a profound (and...

Myron J. Roomkin

Profit Sharing and Gain Sharing

This collection of essays deals with new developments in profit sharing, gain sharing, and other mechanisms for sharing the responsibility for economic performance with employees. The papers were first presented to a national conference on gain...

Jay Rothman

Resolving Identity-Based Conflict In Nations, Organizations, and Communities (Jossey-Bass Conflict Resolution Series)

Unleash Conflict's Creative Potential Absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in identity conflicts and how to overcome them. Provides a fascinating theoretical introduction to the phenomena, detailed case study...

John Vereker

Managing Resources for Development (Economic Paper 52)

Text based on a paper presented by Sir John Vereker for the Technical theme for the Senior Finance Officials' Meeting at the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Meeting held in London in September, 2002....

Bjarne S. Jensen, Kar-Yiu Wong

Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade (Studies in International Economics (Ann Arbor, Mich.).)

While endogenous growth theory has claimed success in modeling various factors of growth and providing an analysis of sustainable economic growth, most of the growth models in published work are for closed economies. The omission of...

Sandra Seagal, David Horne

Human Dynamics : A New Framework for Understanding People and Realizing the Potential in Our Organizations

Based on extensive research and field-testing involving over 40,000 people frommore than 25 cultures, Human Dynamics is a developmental system that demystifies the complexities of individual functioning and interpersonal interaction. It presents a...

J. David Pincus, J. Nicholas De Bonis

Top Dog: A Different Kind of Book About Becoming an Excellent Leader

Part novel, part business how-to, this book combines fact and fiction to emphasize a key message for the 90s: communication and leadership skills can make or break executive careers. Arlen Burch Royster, the fictional ``top dog'' in this book, is...

Van O'Neal, Alice Adams

Pass the CDL: Everything You Need to Know

Whether you are embarking on your first career or a new career as a professional driver, you will appreciate the practical, straightforward, quick, no-nonsense approach to learning what you need to know to pass the CDL exam. Easy to follow and...

Peter Klaren

The Promise of Development: Theories of Change in Latin America

In recent years Latin Americanists have been among the most innovative and productive theorists about the uneven process of development. This collection of substantial selections from some of the most prominent theorists in the field represents a...

Michel Dobry

Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Social Sciences (Geojournal Library, Vol 55)

This book provides an authoritative assessment of the `transitions' or `transformations' currently under way in Central and Eastern Europe. In order to explore this abundant set of diverse and complex processes, it has adopted a particular...

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Вакансии Бесплатный хостинг Валерий Перевозчиков. Возвращение к Высоцкому Эдуард Кочергин. Ангелова кукла А. Г. Деменьтьев. Очерки по истории русской журналистики Игры Что есть что. Комплект из 27 книг. Красочно иллюстрированное Программы Виртуальные открытки Большая медицинская энциклопедия. Предлагаемая Wensley Clarkson. Mel Gibson: Man on a Mission Почта Яхо Застенчивый пистолет. Майкл Уинкотт ("Дорз"), William C. Byham, Debra Pickett. Landing the Job Гогле Вакансии Дайяна Стайн. Практическое руководство по Основам Рэйки Люциус Шепард. Жизнь во время войны
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