Kerstin Cuhls, Knut Blind, Hariolf Grupp

Innovations for Our Future: Delphi '98 New Foresight on Science and Technology (Technology, Innovation, and Policy, 13)

Foresight has experienced a great upswing in the last few years, partly in view of the Millenium. Innovations for our Future describes not only the big development trends of the future in research and technology, but also the re-discovery of the...

John P. Schuster, Jill Carpenter

The Power of Open-Book Management : Releasing the True Potential of People's Minds, Hearts, and Hands

Praise for The Power of Open-Book Management "The Power of Open-Book Management is the essential guidebook for every organization that wants all its associates to understand how they make and lose money—and that should be every...

Katherine Van Wezel Stone

From Widgets to Digits: Employment Regulation for the Changing Workplace

Although existing labor and employment laws were built on the assumption of long-term, stable relationships between employees and firms, this book explores the changing nature of the employment relationship and its implications for labor and...

Henry P. Sims, Charles C. Manz

Company of Heroes: Unleashing the Power of Self-Leadership

A successful career means more than just upward mobility and a house in the suburbs—it's the chance to work with people who are as optimistic, energetic, and successful as you are. The chance, in other words, to be part of a company of heroes....

Jo-Ellan Dimitrius

Put Your Best Foot Forward: Make a Great Impression by Taking Control of How Others See You

Time-tested advice on projecting a positive image in any situation -- from the Internet to an interview -- drawn from scientific and popular literature about the clues people use to judge others In Put Your Best Foot Forward,...

Greg J. Bamber, Peter K. Ross, Changwon Lee

Employment Relations in the Asia Pacific

This book considers human resource initiatives in the workplace and industrial relations reform from the perspectives of employers, managers, unions and academics in the Asia-Pacific region. Divided into five parts, the text explores how key players...

Rehabilitati International Conference on Brownfield Sites: Assessment, D. Almorza, H. Klapperich, C. A. Brebbia, David Almorza Gomar, Wessex Institute of Technology, Universidad De Cadiz

Brownfield Sites : Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development

An interdisciplinary approach is essential for the successful regeneration of brownfield sites. Such development embraces a wide range of issues including cleanup and economic redevelopment, legislation and the prominent roles of ownership and...

Terry L. Anderson, Peter J. Hill

The Not So Wild, Wild West: Property Rights on the Frontier

Mention of the American West usually evokes images of rough and tumble cowboys, ranchers, and outlaws. In contrast, "The Not So Wild, Wild West" casts America?s frontier history in a new framework that emphasizes the creation of institutions,...

William F. Long

Leadership by Deception: Management by Manipulation

Free people collectively supposedly set the standards for their leaders, but this book presents the role of deception in leadership to maintain a position of power. It exposes deception in history, politics, diplomacy, the military, religion,...

George S Day, George S. Day

Market Driven Strategy: Processes for Creating Value

Now in its 21st printing, George S. Day's Market Driven Strategy first defined what it means to be "market- driven." Providing a foundation for Day's new companion volume The Market Driven Organization, this seminal work remains a...

Carol Super, Ronald D. Gold

Selling (Without Selling): 4 1/2 Steps to Success

Selling Without Selling reveals the approach that Carol Super, "Salesperson of the Decade" at 3M/Media Networks (now owned by AOL/Time Warner) uses to produce double or triple the average sales of her colleagues -- every year. Sales...

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Краснодар, Тамбов, Коломна, Москв, Волгоград, Хасавюрт, Набережные Челны, Королёв, Обнинск, Иркутск, Новочеркасск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Тюмень, Великие Луки, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Копейск,
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