Patrick L. Townsend, Joan E. Gebhardt

Five-Star Leadership: The Art and Strategy of Creating Leaders at Every Level

"Both men and women will find this book inspiration and practical. Its message is that the best way to be a better leader is to encourage leadership in others?and it tells you how to go about it." ?Dr. Gay Culverhouse, Executive Director...

James Brescoll, Ralph M. Dahm

Opportunities in Sales Careers

Opportunities In Sales Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of sales careers and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources. ...

Cynthia R. Daniels

Lost Fathers: The Politics of Fatherlessness in America

The concept of fatherlessness has emerged at the center of debates over welfare, poverty, sexuality, divorce, family values, and racial disorder. Do children need fathers? Do mothers need husbands? Should we celebrate or grieve the loss (or...

Randall Bluffstone, Bruce A. Larson

Controlling Pollution in Transition Economies: Theories and Methods (New Horizons in Environmental Economics)

Controlling Pollution in Transition Economies examines and evaluates the recent experience of implementing pollution charges and the use of environmental permits in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia.The book focuses on controlling...

Barbara Rockefeller, CNBC, Barbara Rockefeller

CNBC 24/7 Trading: Around the Clock, Around the World

Praise for CNBC 24/7 Trading "CNBC 24/7 Trading unlocks the mystery of how individual investors can invest and trade everywhere all the time. This book will become the investment bible that levels the playing field between Wall Street and Main...

Mario Piattini, Coral Calero, Marcela Genero, Mario G. Piattini

Information and Database Quality (Kluwer International Series on Advances in Database Systems)

In a global and increasingly competitive market, where organizations are driven by information, the search for ways to transform data into true knowledge is critical to a business's success. Few companies, however, have effective methods of...

Flora Macleod, Sarah Hogarth

Leading Today's Volunteers

- Manage volunteers effectively - Implement a successful volunteer program...

Barbara Corcoran, Bruce Littlefield

If You Don't Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails: And Other Lessons I Learned from My Mom

After failing at twenty-two other jobs, Barbara Corcoran borrowed $1000 from her boyfriend, quit her job as a diner waitress, and started a tiny real estate office in New York City. Using twenty-four unconventional lessons learned from her mom,...

Michael L. Sankey, Peter J. Weber

Public Records Online: The National Guide to Private & Government Online Sources of Public Records (Public Records Online)

This fully revised, 2nd edition is the authoritative guide to online accesss of public records and public information. Detailed profiles of over 1,000 sources zero in on access requirements, fees, Internet access, and user restrictions to a myriad...

Mark Girolami

Advances in Independent Component Analysis (Perspectives in Neural Computing)

Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a fast developing area of intense research interest. Following on from Self-Organising Neural Networks: Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, this book reviews the significant...

Lois Lowe

Microsoft Office Access 2003 Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy)

Relax. Learning how to use Microsoft Office Access 2003 is now a breeze. With this books easy-to-follow instructions, youll be creating and managing efficient databases in no time. From entering basic data to creating advanced queries, "Microsoft...

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Стратегия войны. Часть 1 (2 DVD). Перед вами уникальный по подборке материалов Get Moving with Grover (Happy Healthy Monsters). Book DescriptionIt's your Апорт Тим Бин, Уилл Фаулер. Советские танки Второй мировой Поиск людей А. В. Якушев. Начинаем работать в Интернет. Краткое руководство Л. Ф. Соловьева. Информатика и ИКТ. Практикум. 8 класс МТС Ответы Stuart Hirschberg, Terry Hirschberg. One World, Many Современная западная философия. Анализируются Helen Abadzi. Improving Adult Literacy Outcomes: Волшебный карандаш. Поиск сокровищ, необитаемые острова, Под редакцией Л. Л. Кругликова. Комментарий к Уголовному кодексу Российской Вики Вики Новости Вики Рефераты Почта.ру Е. Осетров. Сказ о друкаре Иване и его книгах
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