Anne McKinney

Real-Resumes for Construction Jobs: Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Transfer Skills to Other Industries (Real-Resumes Series)

Book shows resumes and cover letters of people seeking employment in the construction field. Included are resumes of project manager, carpenter, foreman, safety manager, electrician, brick mason, engineering manager, real estate agent, plumber, job...

Edmund Kelly

The Takeover Dialogues: A Discussion of Hostile Takeovers

A longtime critic of hostile cash takeovers of large corporations, Edmund Kelly believed that if the organized insincerity of advisors and corporate control entrepreneurs in the tight knit takeover community was told, this alone would contribute...

David Vogel

Barriers or Benefits?: Regulation in Transatlantic Trade

Government health, safety, and environmental standards have, in the past two decades, often created barriers to international trade. These nontariff barriers have become the focus of trade disputes, negotiations, and agreements. This book...

World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development, World Commission on Forestry and Sustainable Development, Ola Ullsten, Emil Salim, World Commission on Forestry, Sustainable Development

Our Forests, Our Future

Our forests currently face many crises, ranging from barren land in many developing countries, to die-back trees in polluted parts of Europe, to the less tangible consequences of forest decline for planetary stability. The issues require urgent...

Marguerite Robinson

The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable Finance for the Poor

Around the world, a revolution is occurring in finance for low-income people. The microfinance revolution is delivering financial services to the economically active poor on a large scale through competing, financially self-sufficient institutions....

Susan Lee Peterson

The Grantwriter's Internet Companion: A Resource for Educators and Others Seeking Grants and Funding

This one-stop resource is a time-saving guide for busy instructors to use in finding grants for special classroom projects and schoolwide programs. ...

Steven A. Smith, Rob Howard

ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook

Up-to-speed with ASP.NET? This book gives you a topic and the 5 to 24 "recipes" you need to get the common or not-so-common task done using ASP.NET. ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook will use VB.NET exclusively but will include both VB and C#...

Stephen A. Thomas, Stephen Thomas

HTTP Essentials: Protocols for Secure, Scaleable Web Sites

The first complete reference guide to the essential Web protocol As applications and services converge and Web technologies not only assume HTTP but require developers to manipulate it, it is becoming increasingly crucial for network managers,...

Dawn J. Wright

Undersea with GIS

Humankind has made more progress during the past 20 years in mapping the surface of neighboring planets than during the past 500 years in mapping the final frontier of Earth: the oceans. Indeed, we still know more about the dark side of the moon and...

Todd Knowlton, Stephen Collings Todd Knowlton

Microsoft Visual Basic BASICS

From forms to properties and loops to graphics, this book provides a step-by-step introduction to the Visual Basic programming language. Beginners will learn Windows-based programming quickly and easily and will become comfortable with the concept...

Е. П. Угрюмов

Цифровая схемотехника

В книге рассматривается широкий круг вопросов, связанных с изучением, проектированием и применением цифровых элементов, узлов и устройств, микросхемы которых являются основой для реализации различных средств обработки информации - ЭВМ, систем...

<<<  Кухни. Данная книга продолжает серию книг по евроремонту квартиры. ...             О. С. Николаев. Водород и атом водорода. Справочник физических параметров >>>

Грейм Динз, Фриц Крюгер, Стефан Зайзель. К победе Российская газета Andrea De Carlo. Mas alla del viento / Beyond the Wind Не вижу зла. Кристина Видал ("Срочно требуется звезда!"), Лента Уолтер Джон Уильямс. Повелитель плазмы VIOLINKONZ.OP.44/SCHOTT.FANT.. VIOLINKONZ.OP.44/SCHOTT.FANT. Reginald Gibbons. Sweetbitter: A Novel М. В. Стенюков. Основы документоведения и делопроизводства SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI. DONI:L'ELISIR D'A. Исполнитель: SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI Александр Никонов. История отмороженных в контексте глобального потепления Ю. Дрибноход. Украшение тела в салоне красоты МСН Burning Spear. Reggae Greats. Door Peep; Ed Paulson. The Technology M&A Guidebook
Санкт-Петербург, Набережные Челны, Нефтекамск, Находка, Самара, Чита, Кисловодск, Глазов, Коломна, Томск, Самара, Астрахань, Саранск, Иркутск, Димитровград, Ярославль, Прокопьевск, Йошкар-Ола, Ярославль, Миасс, Ногинск, Волгодонск, Пятигорск, Набережные Челны, Новороссийск, Ковров, Северодвинск, Ярославль, Находка, Балаково,
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