George M. Dupuy

Career Preparation: Transition Guide for College Students

Book DescriptionDesigned to assist college students in making the exciting but challenging transition from college campus to working world, this practical book is organized around the PREP model and acronym?with a key step devoted to...

Cynthia Newby

Hospital Billing, Student Text with Data Disk

Book DescriptionThis practical text-workbook uses MediSoft's Just Claims software to teach students the basics of filing computerized hospital claims, including the UB-92. Content focuses on hospital billing flow, elements required to complete the...

Ralph Pierce

Stocks, Options & Spreads

Twenty years of teaching stock and option trading led the author and his students to the system that he follows today and offers to you. This book incorporates all the basic principles of stock selection, expectations, and chart analysis to...

В. И. Костылев

Иван Грозный. Роман в трех книгах. Книга 3

Роман русского писателя В.И.Костылева (1884-1950) "Иван Грозный" рассказывает о первом русском царе Иване IV, о важнейших событиях периода его жизни. В третий том вошел роман "Невская твердыня". ...

Susan Seizer

Stigmas Of The Tamil Stage: An Ethnography Of Special Drama Artists In South India

Book DescriptionA study of the lives of popular theater artists, Stigmas of the Tamil Stage is the first in-depth study of Special Drama, a genre of performance unique to the southernmost Indian state of Tamilnadu. Held in towns and villages...

Jennifer Mitchelhill

Castles of the Samurai: Power and Beauty

The castles of Japan are both technical and aesthetic marvels. They are technical marvels in that they are perfectly suited to their roles of defensive fortresses and admin: strative centers in time of war. they are aesthetic marvels in that every...

Kevin Nute

Place, Time and Being in Japanese Architecture

Book DescriptionThe central argument is that several of the responsive design strategies revealed are directly applicable beyond Japan where they could make a significant contribution to sustaining natural and cultural diversity globally....

Tommy Hays

The Pleasure Was Mine

Book Description Prate Marshbanks proposed to his future wife on a muggy July night at Pete's Drive-in back in '52. "She said yes to me between bites of a slaw burger all-the-way." A college graduate and daughter of a prominent lawyer, Irene was...

Marcela Serrano

Cuentos De Mujeres Solas

Book DescriptionThe solitude of women is one of the great subjects of universal Literature. All women either with impossible or tragically lost loves face solitude at some time in their lives. This anthology presents unforgettable stories that...

Not Just Any Dress: Narratives of Memory, Body, and Identity (Counterpoints (New York, N.Y.), V. 220.)

Book DescriptionIf dresses could talk, what stories might they tell? This compelling collection of short stories, essays, and poems features dress as the structural grounding for autobiographical accounts from women's lives in Western society. Often...

Duane J Jarc

Learning Java Through Applications: A Graphical Approach (Programming Series) (Programming Series)

Book Description Learning Java Through Applications emphasizes Java?s graphical capabilities and the ability to create graphical user interfaces. The book uses 15 complete Java programs in order of increasing complexity, including geometric...

<<<  Микки Спиллейн. Дельта-фактор             О. С. Николаев. Водород и атом водорода. Справочник физических параметров >>>

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Новокузнецк, Пермь, Дзержинск, Грозный, Пенза, Ангарск, Новомосковск, Липецк, Грозный, Екатеринбург, Владикавказ, Первоуральск, Ухта, Благовещенск,
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