П. А. Долин, В. Т. Медведев, В. В. Корочков

Электробезопасность. Задачник

На примере задач рассматриваются действие тока на человека, способы организации безопасной эксплуатации электроустановок. Большинство задач основаны на результатах анализа реальных случаев. По каждой теме приводятся ответы и решение одной из задач....

П. П. Бажов

Малахитовая шкатулка

Книга издана в год смерти П. П. Бажова. 1950 год, Ленинградское газетно-журнальное и книжное издательство. Издательский переплет. Множество отдельных цветных иллюстраций, наклеенных на плотные листы картона, защищены пергаментом. Рисунки в...

М. А. Алданов

М. А. Алданов. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 4

Издание 1991 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. М. А. Алданов (1886-1957) - прозаик, мемуарист, эмигрант "первой волны". Портреты исторических и современных политических деятелей, писателей, собранные в книге, дают возможность познакомиться с...

Jerry Z. Muller

Adam Smith in His Time and Ours

Counter to the popular impression that Adam Smith was a champion of selfishness and greed, Jerry Muller shows that the Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations maintained that markets served to promote the well-being of the...

Robert J. Barro

Nothing is Sacred: Economic Ideas for the New Millennium

Since the 1970s, Robert Barro's academic research has significantly influenced macroeconomic theory. For more than a decade, his writing has also enlivened the pages of publications such as the Wall Street Journal and Business Week. In Nothing Is...

Paul Seidenstat

Contracting Out Government Services (Privatizing Government: An Interdisciplinary Series)

Privatization of government services in the United States has accelerated in the last two decades, especially at the state and local levels. This work focuses on contracting out--the most widely used method of privatization. Contributors from...

Giuliano Amato, Laraine L. Laudati

The Anticompetitive Impact of Regulation

This timely book addresses the important issue of the negative effects of anticompetitive regulation on industry and the massive economic harm it causes. The distinguished contributors, including economic and legal scholars, advocate the need for a...

Robert Rehm

People in Charge: Creating Self-Managing Workplaces

People in Charge uses the powerful and practical technique of Participative Design to create more effective and productive workplaces. It contains the concepts, guides, and case examples to transform organizations to be...

Elizabeth Opalka

How to Protect and Manage Your 401(K)

Today's 401(k) account investors are looking for authoritative answers and reassurance. Elizabeth Opalka, a tax attorney who monitors federal legislative and regulatory developments daily, provides both. The recent corporate accounting scandals and...

Jim Norwine, John R. Giardino, Sushma Krishnamurthy, Suchma Krishnamurthy

Water for Texas (Texas A&M University Agriculture Series)

More than the economy, more than changing demographics, even more than education, water is the key to the future of Texas. It is not much of an overstatement to claim that water is the future of Texas. In the fall of 2000, a conference on "the...

Madhu Tumma

Oracle Streams: High Speed Replication and Data Sharing

Revealing secrets for achieving high-speed replication and data sharing, this guide uses proven techniques from mission-critical applications for ensuring success with Oracle Streams. From installation to implementation, step-by-step...

<<<  А. М. Беленицкий. Монументальное искусство Пенджикента             О. С. Николаев. Водород и атом водорода. Справочник физических параметров >>>

Фото Игры Don Allen Beene. The One and the Golden Статистика Афанасий Фет. Афанасий Фет. Стихотворения А. В. Могилев, Е. К. Хеннер. Н. И. Пак. Информатика Почта Лазебникова А.Ю., Рутковская Е.Л., Боголюбов Л.Н. и др.. Компьютерные новости Сергей Раткевич. Покрывало ночи Александр Горбачев, Дмитрий Котлеев. Microsoft Windows Markets and Governments. Book DescriptionThis volume is an important contribution
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