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О. А. Сдвижков Математика в Excel 2002
Книга посвящена применению популярного табличного процессора MS Excel 2002 в математических курсах вузов. Конспективно излагаются общие правила работы в среде Excel 2002 и приводятся подробные пошаговые решения типовых математических задач, начиная...
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Воинские повести Древней Руси
Издание 1985 года. Сохранность хорошая. В сборник вошли лучшие произведения древнерусской литературы, посвященные героической борьбе русского народа против иноземных захватчиков. Издание посвящено 800-летию "Слово о полку Игореве". ...
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М. А. Климова Пенсионные взносы в 2004 году. Особенности уплаты
В 2004 году произошли существенные изменения, касающиеся начисления и уплаты взносов на обязательное пенсионное страхование, которые нашли отражение в данном практическом пособии. Автор подробно рассказывает о новой форме расчета по авансовым...
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Dimitris N. Chorafas Implementing and Auditing the Internal Control System
Dimitris N. Chorafas defines both auditing and internal control, and explains the value of internal control, why it must be audited, and how it can be most effectively achieved. He addresses top management's accountability for internal control and...
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Kurt Dopfer The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics
Evolutionary economics is attracting increasing interest as a way of understanding the processes which generate particular forms of economic activities and structures. This collection brings together economists who are at the forefront of this new...
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Ted Roggen Press Releases
Press Releases is an insightful glance into the life of one of Houston's most successful advertising and public relations men. A veteran of fifty years in the business, entrepreneur Ted Roggen paints a colorful picture of five decades in the...
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Fash???? French Public Opinion and the Transition to the Single Currency System 1981-2002
The author describes in this publcation, the institutional framework of the European Union,the existing currency systems, and provides a review of the Maastricht treaty ratification debates. He used the op-ed of Franco-German finance ministers...
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Kerl Bodker, Finn Kensing, Jesper Simonsen Participatory It Design: Designing for Business and Workplace Realities
The goal of participatory IT design is to set sensible, general, and workable guidelines for the introduction of new information technology systems into an organization. Reflecting the latest systems-development research, this book encourages a...
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Hilarie Owen, Hilarie Owen Unleashing Leaders
The current environment and management in organizations is not conducive to leadership development. Most large organizations in the world try to develop leaders through training, be it in-house programmes or external courses. In this new book, ...
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Aris Spanos Statistical Foundations of Econometric Modelling
This book provides an introduction to econometrics through a thorough grounding in probability theory and statistical inference. The emphasis is on the concepts and ideas underlying probability theory and statistical inference, and on motivating...
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Charles D., Jr. Thompson, Melinda F. Wiggins The Human Cost of Food : Farmworkers' Lives, Labor, and Advocacy
"This is an excellent book, well-written, thoughtful, and scholarly, in a field which has very few overviews accessible to non-specialists. It is definitely a contribution to the literature and will fill a large gap in existing materials, especially...
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Галина Шалаева. Ребенок в возрасте 5 лет. Тесты
Стив Ротер. Духовная психология. Двенадцать Основных Жизненных Уроков
Charles Poynton. Digital Video and HDTV Algorithms and Interfaces
Robert A. Wilson, Frank Keil. The MIT Encyclopedia
А. Медведев. Технология производства печатных плат
Конференция iXBT.com
Timothy P. Roth. Equality, Rights and the Autonomous
СергиевПосад, Липецк, Ульяновск, Томск, Благовещенск, Мурманск, Хасавюрт,
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