New York University Mathematical Finance Seminar, Marco Avellaneda

Quantitative Analysis in Financial Markets

This invaluable book contains lectures presented at the Courant Institute's Mathematical Finance Seminar. The audience consisted of academics from New York University and other universities, as well as practitioners from investment banks, hedge...

Michael Gorman, Maria-Luisa Henson

Spanish Business Correspondence (Languages for Business)

Spanish Business Correspondence is a handy reference and learning text for all who use written Spanish. 80 written communications are simply presented covering memos, letters, faxes and resumes. The situations covered include: * arranging...

Stephen Few

Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables And Graphs To Enlighten

Tables and graphs can more adequately communicate important business information when they reflect the good design practices discussed in this practical guide to effective table and graph design. Information is provided on the fundamental...

Joseph T. Straub

The Rookie Manager: A Guide to Surviving Your First Year in Management

You've been promoted! Are you happy, excited, perhaps even a little (or a lot) anxious and stressed out--wondering how you're going to handle all your new responsibilities? If so, stop worrying and start reading THE ROOKIE MANAGER. It's the...

Michael Farr

Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook (ENHANCED OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK)

* The most useful, current, and comprehensive career reference available! * More job descriptions than any other book?nearly 8,000! * Easy to use?organized around the user-friendly structure of the "Occupational Outlook...

M. Therese Flaherty

Global Operations Management

This groundbreaking text builds upon introductory operations management courses and presents conceptual frameworks to help students recognize and meet strategic international operations management challenges. Using a combination of original text,...

Nonlinear Editing (Media Manuals)

Nonlinear is a buzzword for every broadcaster and facility house worldwide. Systems range from the humble to the exotic, and despite the growing acceptance of the technology, many users, both new and experienced, find the complexity of the operation...

Michael McFaul

Russia's Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin

For centuries, dictators ruled Russia. Tsars and Communist Party chiefs were in charge for so long some analysts claimed Russians had a cultural predisposition for authoritarian leaders. Yet, as a result of reforms initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev,...

Jarrad, V.T. Harford

Corporate Cash Management, Excess Cash, and Acquisitions (Financial Sector of the American Economy)

How much cash should a corporation have and should we worry when they have too much? This question has been hotly debated by manager and investors recently because managers of many of America's leading corporations have chosen to keep the spoils of...

Van K. Tharp, Brian June

Financial Freedom Through Electronic Day Trading

An increasing number of investors are entering the high-risk world of electronic day trading—often before they’ve learned the basic principles and safeguards. Financial Freedom Through Electronic Day Trading combines Van Tharp’s...

Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington

Exploring Corporate Strategy

The sixth edition of internationally acclaimed strategy volume retains the established strengths of previous editions while updating and revising material to address today's corporate climate. The book builds on the practice of strategic management...

<<<  Е. А. Лутцева. Технология. Ступеньки к мастерству. 1 класс             С. В. Позойский, И. В. Галузо. История ... >>>

Работа Газета.ру Программы Марта Уэллс. Колесо Бесконечности Поиск людей А. Н. Головистикова, Л. Ю. Грудцына. Конституционное право России Ответы Лента Coltrane. Jaspar. Sulieman. Yong. Interplay Сергей Андреев. Ангел Статистика Yasuki Nakayama, Yoshimichi Tanida, Visualization Н. В. Микляева, Ю. В. Микляева. Управление образовательным
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