Katharina Gamharter

Access to Affordable Medicines : Developing Responses under the TRIPS Agreement and EC Law (Europainstitut Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien Schriftenreihe / ... Wien Publication Series)

Book DescriptionTo ensure access to affordable medicines, particularly in developing countries, is one of the great challenges faced by the international community. At the 2001 Doha Ministerial Conference, the groundbreaking “Declaration on...

Donald K. Burleson

Top Answers to Job Interview Questions

Book Description Ideal for job seekers and interviewers alike, this employment resource provides an overview to the interview process including techniques on acing the job interview for applicants and assessing the potential of job candidates...

Marcos S. Jank

Agricultural Trade Liberalization : Policies and Agreements in the Western Hemisphere

Book Description In most of Latin America, the agricultural sector accounts for a large share of output, trade, and employment, while in the United States and Canada, small but well-organized farming groups exert a disproportionate influence on...

Metaheuristics: : Progress as Real Problem Solvers (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)

Book Description Our globalized world brings us increasing complexity and many computationally hard problems. Metaheuristics are mathematical optimization methods that have become a powerful answer to many of these difficult problems. As a growing...

Aspatore Books

Winning Legal Strategies for Software Companies: Leading Lawyers on Protecting IP, Negotiating Contracts, and Creating Legal Game Plans (Inside the Minds)

Book DescriptionInside the Minds: Winning Legal Strategies for Software Companies is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the laws which govern both the software industry, and the future of software regulation, on a global scale. Featuring...

Charles Hope


Book DescriptionThe greatest of all Venetian painters, Titian achieved a worldly success and artistic influence unsurpassed in his own lifetime and later equalled only by Rubens. His matchless technique brought him imperial patronage and led to a...

Constantin Boym

Constantin Boym - America

Book DescriptionAmerica gibt uns die Sicht des russischen Immigranten Constantin Boym auf seine neue Heimat: Amerika, sein Lebensstil und seine Landschaften bedeuten fur den Designer und Kunstler eine unerschopfliche...

Rocky Schenck

Rocky Schenck : Photographs (Wittliff Gallery Series)

Book Description"Each photograph is like a still taken from a movie that exists not on film but rather in one's memory, with all the fuzziness typical of remembered impressions. The viewer, willing or not, fills in the frames that precede and follow...

Joan Murray

Lawren Harris: An Introduction to His Life and Art

Book DescriptionThe illustrated account of the Group of Seven leader. Lawren Harris was born into the enviable position of having the means to fully devote his life to his art. He was also born with vision, determination, and talent. As a...

Mick Sutton

A Stroke of Genius: Letters and Stories

Book Description“It comes as a great shock when the active and very articulate man you have shared your life with for sixty odd years has a stroke and loses all his speech.” Mick Sutton knew his wife, but could not speak her name. He...

G. A. Henty

In the Heart of the Rockies : An Adventure on the Colorado River

Book Description In 1860, sixteen-year-old Tom Wade leaves England for the American Far West to improve his family fortunes. Arriving at the small western outpost of Denver, Colorado to mine for gold, he soon encounters Native American warriors,...

<<<  Александр Сивинских. Зверь с той стороны             С. В. Позойский, И. В. Галузо. История ... >>>

Е. С. Анищенкова. Практическое пособие по исправлению Счетчик Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, James B. Orlin. Network Flows: Поиск майл.ру Наталья Нестерова. Позвони в мою дверь Кузя: Алмазная лихорадка. Сцилла возвращается! На этот раз она добыла рецепт Leo Jones, Richard Alexander. New International Business English. Уильям Спенс. Работы по дереву. Как обустроить дом своей мечты А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Письма. В 3 томах. Рефераты
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