Jim Ware, Beth Michaels, Dale Primer

Investment Leadership : Building a Winning Culture for Long-Term Success (Wiley Finance)

"Marshals a prodigious quantity of theoretical and empirical insights into the investment industry . . . " –Theodore Aronson Chair of the AIMR Board of Governors Praise for Investment Leadership "Investment...

Asif H. Qureshi

The Public International Law of Taxation: Text, Cases and Materials

This book orientates tax practitioners to the public international law aspects of taxation. Equally it provides a framework from which public international lawyers may probe more deeply into the legal challenges posed by the interaction of national...

Peter Lynch, John Rothchild

Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business

Mutual-fund superstar Peter Lynch and author John Rothchild explain the basic principles of investing and business in a primer that will enlighten and entertain anyone who is high-school age or older. Many investors, including some...

W. Dean Brown

How to Form a Corporation, LLC or Partnership in Oklahoma (QuickStart)

Each year thousands of people dream of starting their own business, yet few can afford the legal fees associated with getting started. The How to Form a Corporation, LLC, or Partnership in . . . series leads entrepreneurs through the incorporating...

Ф. Кессиди

От мифа к логосу

В книге рассматривается актуальная проблема отношения философии к дофилософским формам сознания, детально прослеживается сложный процесс отделения философии в Древней Греции от мифа, религии и художественного творчества. В ней раскрывается переход...

Benjamin M. Compaine

The Digital Divide: Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth? (MIT Press Sourcebooks)

The Digital Divide refers to the perceived gap between those who have access to the latest information technologies and those who do not. If we are indeed in an Information Age, then not having access to this information is an economic and social...

Course Technology, Course Technology

Course ILT: Microsoft Access 2002: Basic, Second Edition

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

Yasushi Kambayashi

Separating Data from Instructions: Investigating a New Programming Paradigm

We have experienced different theories of software construction paradigms in the last few decades; such as ``structured programming'' in the 1970's and "object-oriented programming" in the 1980's. The object-oriented paradigm is considered a...

Dingzhu Du, Hung Q. Ngo, Ding-Zhu-Du

Switching Networks: Recent Advances (Network Theory and Applications, 5)

This book contains recent developments in switching networks and applications, including classic topics, such as nonblocking and Benes conjecture, and new directions, such as optical switching networks and applications in VLSI designs. It provides...

Neil Randall

PC Magazine Windows XP Solutions

* The practical, proven solutions Windows XP users have been looking for-from the source trusted by more than six million readers worldwide, PC Magazine * Written like the magazine's popular "Solutions" feature, the book helps experienced...

Михаил Задорнов

Вверх ногами

В новую книгу известного писателя-сатирика Михаила Задорнова "Вверх ногами" вошли, как всегда, яркие, самобытные и неувядающие произведения. Несмотря на то, что многое, о чем пишет М.Задорнов, действительно перевернуто "вверх ногами", автор искренне...

<<<  Рейс Пухол-Ксикой, Хуана Хулия Касалс. Трафаретная ...             С. В. Позойский, И. В. Галузо. История ... >>>

Слова и предложения. Тетрадь дошкольника по Д. Браславский, Н. Подлесная. Щит Королевы Из рук в руки В. Г. Короленко. В. Г. Короленко. Избранные произведения В. К. Беллюстин. Как постепенно дошли люди до настоящей А. И. Кизлюк. Справочник по устройству и ремонту телефонных Теса Шоу, Инге Споутон. Английский язык. Для тех, кто в пути. Каталог софта Автомобильный портал Деннис Томпсон. Аюрведическое питание для всех зон вашего тела Beat Bruderlin, D. Roller. Geometric Constraint Solving and Applications Сборник судебных документов. В настоящий сборник включены примерные Франк Вайссерт. Нахлыст для начинающих
Санкт-Петербург, Оренбург, Элиста, Орёл,
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