Loren McLeod

Abandoned In Wysteria: From The Author Of A Sea Of White Impatiens

It is 1990, and Wysteria, Florida, America’s oldest and least credible spiritualist community, is celebrating its 100th birthday. Coordinating an anniversary festival is local resident and US Arts & Crafts magazine publisher Sheila Renault....

Ruth McIntyre-Williams

Stones Seven

Fiona leans into the hempen rope running across her back and around one leg. Step by step, she makes her way down the sheer cliff. Sea winds slam her against the wall. The rope skins and bloodies her hands. She drops from the too short rope to a...

J. F. Campbell

More West Highland Tales

Book DescriptionThe famous Popular Tales of the West Highlands is one of the greatest treasure-troves of Scottish folktales ever produced. These volumes set the original Gaelic texts alongside the English translations, thus providing an essential...

Pnina Avidar

Autonome Architectuur en het Stedelijk Project/Autonomous Architecture and the Project of the City: Autonomous Architecture and the Project of the City (Oase No. 62)

Book DescriptionThe OASE Architectural Journal is one of the leading professional journals on architectural theory. Issue #62 asks whether the idea of the "European city" is still tenable at the beginning of the 21st century. Taking...

Jan Roberts

Squeaky: The Beginning

Book DescriptionLittle Squeaky was outside playing with his family when a cat chased him into a pipe, which led him into a big house. Frightened and alone, he wonders how he?ll make it on his own. He finds the answer when he...

Phyllis Speight

The Traveller's Guide to Homoeopathy

Book DescriptionSimple guide for a business trip or holiday....

Joshua David Bellin

Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film And Social Alienation

Book DescriptionThe canon of popular cinema has long been rife with fantastic tales, yet critical studies have too often expediently mixed the fantasy genre with its kindred science fiction and horror films or dismissed it altogether as escapist...

Arthur Kempton

Boogaloo : The Quintessence of American Popular Music

Book Description Boogaloo —the synonym of choice among the cognoscenti for rhythm and blues—is a stylish and profound meditation on the art, influence, and commerce of black American popular music. At once deeply knowing and keenly...

Ron Hardman

Expert Oracle PL/SQL

Book DescriptionExperienced PL/SQL programmers and Oracle developers will learn to master Oracle's procedural extension to industry-standard SQL. Using this authoritative resource, readers will become experts at developing robust, high-performance...

Tim Powers

What If Our World Is Their Heaven? The Final Conversations Of Philip K. Dick

Book DescriptionIn the field of science fiction, the work of Philip K Dick is unparalleled. His novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? became the classic science-fiction film Blade Runner. His short story, "The Minority Report," was recently...

Leonard J. Fein

Against the Dying of the Light: A Father's Journey Through Loss

Amazon.comLeonard Fein struggled with some of the deepest and most difficult questions of faith while mourning the death of his daughter Nomi, who suffered a heart attack at age 30. "I understood from the start that the act of writing was a way...

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