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Кодекс Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях. Научно-практический комментарий
Книга представляет собой постатейный научно-практический комментарий к Кодексу РФ об административных правонарушениях, вступившему в силу с 1 июля 2002 г. Авторами использованы новое федеральное законодательство, материалы судебной...
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Catherine R. Schenk Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre: Emergence and Development, 1945-1965 (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)
Based on previously unpublished archival records, this book makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the development of Hong Kong as one of the worlds premier international financial centres....
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Richard B. Freeman, Joel Rogers What Workers Want
How would a typical American workplace be structured if the employees could design it? According to Richard B. Freeman and Joel Rogers, it would be an organization run jointly by employees and their supervisors, one where disputes between labor and...
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Dorothy J. Solinger Contesting Citizenship in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market (Studies of the East Asian Institute.)
Post-Mao market reforms in China have led to a massive migration of rural peasants toward the cities. Officially denied residency in the cities, the over 80 million members of this "floating population" provide labor for the economic boom in urban...
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Claudiu A. Secara The New Commonwealth: From Bureaucratic Corporatism to Socialist Capitalism
The notion of an elite-driven worldwide perestroika has gained some credibility lately. The book examines in a historical perspective the most intriguing dialectic in the Soviet Union's "collapse" - from socialism to capitalism and back to...
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Candace Howes, Ajit Singh Competitiveness Matters : Industry and Economic Performance in the U.S.
This book argues, against the current view, that competitiveness--that is, the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector--matters to the long-term health of the U.S. economy and particularly to its long-term capacity to raise the standard of...
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Jacques S. Gansler Defense Conversion (Twentieth Century Fund Books)
Author of two widely-read books on the defense industry, Jacques Gansler takes a hard look at the need to convert the industry from an inefficient and noncompetitive part of the U.S. economy to an integrated, civilian/military operation. He defines...
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Donald A. Marchand, Don Marchand Competing with Information: A Manager's Guide to Creating Business Value with Information Content
In the e-business economy, managers are faced with too much data and too little meaningful information about markets, customers, products, company operations and finances. Their greatest challenge is to identify, manage and use the right information...
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Sergio A. Castello, Terutomo Ozawa Globalization of Small Economies as a Strategic Behavior in International Business (Transnational Business and Corporate Culture: Problems and Opportunities)
This book postulates the proposition that small economies exhibit a higher degree of outward orientation and structural adaptability, compared to their larger counterparts within the context of the European Union and two case studies (i.e. Catalonia...
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Barry Eichengreen Hacia una nueva Arquitectura Financiera Internacional
La crisis en los mercados emergentes, que comenzo en Asia durante el verano de 1997 y que se ha convertido en un fenomeno global, produjo una marcada insatisfaccion con el sistema monetario y financiero mundial. Ello ha llevado la...
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Edward M. Yanis, Edward M. Yanis Riding the Bull, Beating the Bear: Market Timing for the Long-Term Investor
Praise for Riding THE BULL, Beating THE BEAR "I have spent years researching market timing and I believe Eds methods are the best I have seen. At last, no one has to ever again experience the market losses like the year 2000. Everyone now has...
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Домой Jan Garbarek. CD 1 (mp3). Общее время звучания
David Bell. An Introduction to Cyberculture
Заяц-хвастун. Книжка-раскладушка. В красочно иллюстрированной книге малыши
Creedence Clearwater Revival. Creedence Clearwater
Составитель В. А. Шубин. Распад СССР. Документы
Вальтер Скотт. Вальтер Скотт. Собрание сочинений в восьми
Hannah Tinti. Animal Crackers
Butt Book: Best Of The First 5 Years Of Butt Magazine. Best of BUTT: Bringing
Sean Riley. Game Programming With Python (Game Development Series)
Бесплатный хостинг
Boris Kulagin, Dmitry Morozov. 3ds max 6
Афоризмы. Издатель извещает, что издание <включает в себя наиболее
И. Н. Трущ. Привычки, которые вас убивают
Фридрих Ницше. Веселая наука (аудиокнига
Н. А. Найденов. Воспоминания о виденном, слышанном
Курт Нагель. Практика предпринимательства. Анализ. Инструменты. Методика
Трой Деннинг. Глубоководье
Мытищи, Новочебоксарск, Волгоград, Магнитогорск, Первоуральск, Дербент, Новотроицк, Волгодонск, Омск, Нефтекамск, Жуковский, Белгород, Одинцово, Новочебоксарск, Барнаул, Таганрог,
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