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Arthur H. Derosier Looking for Daylight
Book DescriptionCan or will a university/college president bring to the office an educational philosophy developed during turbulent times, or must he start afresh in a demanding, controversial position? Arthur DeRosier faced leadership choices...
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G. S. Holcomb No Quarter Asked No Quarter Given
Book DescriptionThis story takes place during WW2. It is the story of 1000's of nobodies called to defend their homeland as seen through the eyes of one such nobody Ted Brown of Colorado. As usual the nobodies are the shock troops....
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Imad Rahman I Dream of Microwaves
Amazon.comIn his smashing debut story collection I Dream of Microwaves , Imad Rahman navigates the world of marginal actors looking for work--and love--in quirky, unseemly venues. Following the travails of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a young...
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Children's Classics to Read Aloud
Selections from favorite stories both old and new and from countries around the world have been included. Each selection or extract is accompanied by a brief introduction that provides parents and teachers with the background to the story....
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Jackie Morris The Seal Children
Book DescriptionWhen a fisherman named Ewan falls in love with a selkie - half-woman, half-seal - she gives him her sealskin as a sign of her love, and bears him two children, Ffion and Morlo, before returning to her own people. A few years later a...
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Candace Bushnell Lipstick Jungle
Amazon.comIn a way, Candace Bushnell's Lipstick Jungle picks up where her career-defining book Sex and the City left off, in the money-soaked, power-hungry, beauty-obsessed jungle that is New York City. This time around, the ladies are...
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The Journey Prize Stories 15 : Short Fiction from the Best of Canada's New Writers (Journey Prize Stories: Short Fiction from the Best of Canada's New Writers)
Book DescriptionThis is the fifteenth edition of The Journey Prize Anthology , retitled The Journey Prize Stories. It has established itself as Canada’s most popular fiction anthology, presenting the best new Canadian writers from...
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Debra Fulghum Bruce Miracle Touch: A Complete Guide to Hands-On Therapies That Have the Amazing Ability to Heal
Discover the Healing Power of Human Touch Curious about the benefits of touch therapy? Interest in hands-on therapies has skyrocketed, and even conventional physicians now embrace these treatments as beneficial not only in reducingstress, but...
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Wes D. Gehring Leo McCarey: From Marx to McCarthy : From Marx to McCarthy (Filmmakers Series)
Book DescriptionThis first full-length biography of a legendary and award-winning Hollywood writer, producer, and director (Duck Soup, My Favorite Wife, An Affair to Remember, Going My Way, and The Bells of St. Mary's) explores the director's life...
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А. Н. Григорьева Женские болезни. Гинеколог поставит диагноз "здорова"
"Когда б мы жили без затей, я нарожала бы детей..." Как часто женщинам мешают осуществить дарованную им свыше репродуктивную функцию различные патологии половой системы. Очередная книга серии "Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья"...
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Gene O'Kelly Chasing Daylight
Book Description “I was blessed. I was told I had three months to live.” On May 24, 2005, Eugene O'Kelly stepped into his doctor's office with a full calendar and a lifetime of plans on his mind. Six days later...
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Домой Работа
E. M. Remarque. Drei Kameraden / Немецкий
Виктор Пелевин. Чапаев и Пустота
Успенский В.А. Что такое аксиоматический метод
Топ майл.ру
Patricia Murphy. Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 QuickTorial
И. А. Квасников. Термодинамика и статистическая физика. Том 3. Теория
В. М. Бухаров, Н. В. Чайковская, И. М. Канакова.
Никита Филатов. Мышеловка
Rudiger U. Seydel. Tools for Computational
М. А. Булгаков. Белая гвардия. Мастер и
Princess, Princess. Book Description A little princess can only be woken
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