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Oscar David The Enneagram for Managers: Nine Different Perspectives on Managing People
Success greatly depends on the ability to understand the motivation behind our own behavior and that of others. This book presents a method of developing this ability. It has proved helpful to the hundreds of managers and professional people with...
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Robert Holden & Ben Renshaw Balancing Work and Life
All too often, success is seen in terms of material possessions and financial gain. It is easy to fall into the trap of working long hours, striving to achieve a good standard of living hut, in the process, neglecting relationships,...
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Michael Edwards, Alan Fowler, Alan F. Fowler The Earthscan Reader on Ngo Management
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) vary in their origins and roles, but all share a similar set of questions for management and organizational development. NGOs face constant and complex challenges - unpredictable funding, the complexity of social...
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Edward G. Brierty, Robert W. Eckles, Robert R. Reeder Business Marketing (3rd Edition)
This is an up-to-date and comprehensive book and offers an applied approach, reflective of real business today. This new edition is comprised of twenty-two chapters grouped into eight parts....
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Jeffrey?Adams Norris Secrets Top Salesmen Don't Want You to Know
If you are buying this book hoping to make a million dollars, please put it back on the shelf. This book will not help you do so and when you read the chapter, “My Boss is a Sociopath”, you will understand why. This book helps...
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Robert C. Dixon Spread Spectrum Systems with Commercial Applications
Since the demise of the Cold War this specialized technology has been transferred to the civilian sector where there are many applications and great interest. This edition features a section which addresses consumer and commercial uses of spread...
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Daniel John Stine Introduction to Autodesk Revit 5
This textbook was designed for the architectural student using Autodesk Revit 5.0. The intent is to provide the student with a well-rounded knowledge of tools and techniques for use in both school and industry. Throughout the book the student...
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Iris Blanc Performing with Computer Applications, Second Edition (Hard Cover/Top Spiral) (Performing)
Previously entitled "Computer Applications for the New Millenium," this new edition has been revised and added to the Performing series. Renowned author Iris Blanc introduces word processing, Internet, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and...
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Benjamin M. Compaine, Shane Greenstein Communications Policy in Transition: The Internet and Beyond (Telecommunications Policy Research Conference)
Until the 1980s, it was presumed that technical change in most communications services could easily be monitored from centralized state and federal agencies. This presumption was long outdated prior to the commercialization of the Internet. With the...
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K. Kimbler Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems V
Feature interaction occurs when one telecommunications feature modifies or subverts the operation of another one. Undesired feature interactions can lower service quality and delay service provisioning. The complexity of the feature interactions...
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Mohammed J. Zaki, Ching-Tien Ho Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
With the unprecedented growth-rate at which data is being collected and stored electronically today in almost all fields of human endeavor, the efficient extraction of useful information from the data available is becoming an increasing scientific...
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Домой Рейтинг
Отец Вадим. Православное лечение медом и другими продуктами пчеловодства
Г. Огарев. Законы успешного управления людьми
Nelarine Cornelius. Building Workplace Equality: Ethics, Diversity
Dan Birlew. Resident Evil Outbreak: Official Strategy Guide
Бесплатный хостинг
Виды Москвы 1913-1914 и 2003-2004. Пречистенка - Гагаринский переулок (комплект
Ольга Елисеева. Первая любовь Елизаветы Воронцовой
Grand Collection. Наутилус Помпилиус. Часть 2. В серии Grand
С новым фотопринтером Epson Stylus R390 печать фотографии
Natsuki Takaya. Fruits Basket, Volume 7
Артемидор. Онейрокритика
Москва , Электросталь, Тобольск, Новочеркасск, Ногинск, Артём, Энгельс, Москва , Грозный, Брянск, Петрозаводск, Димитровград, Батайск, Новокузнецк, Новокузнецк, Великие Луки, Таганрог, Энгельс, Москва , Владимир, Якутск, Балаково, Калуга,
Фармакология. Рецептура. Токсикология| Логика (Logic)| Джаз| Микроэкономика| Товары для активного отдыха| Воспитание и педагогика| Психология в бизнесе. Деловое общение и этикет| Кулинария| Персоналия| Квесты (Quest)| Английский язык| Детское кино и семейное кино| Современный детектив| Риторика. Ораторское искусство| Фантастические триллеры| Молодежные мелодрамы| Товары для активного отдыха| Пародийные комедии| Отечественная фантастика| Экология| Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны| Военные комедии| Мистические фильмы| Триллеры| Паззлы, головоломки, кроссворды| Словари и переводчики| Музыка и зрелищные искусства| Деловая литература| Шейпинг| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Инвестиции| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Фильмы и видеопрограммы в 3D| Биржевое дело| Комедии| Государство и право| Цирк. Цирковое искусство| Сборники, игровые энциклопедии, модификации (MOD)|
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