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R. Bhar Hidden Markov Models : Applications to Financial Economics (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics)
Book DescriptionMarkov chains have increasingly become useful way of capturing stochastic nature of many economic and financial variables. Although the hidden Markov processes have been widely employed for some time in many engineering applications...
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Henry Kyambalesa Socio-Economic Challenges: The African Context
Book DescriptionThis book is designed to explore the following challenges and imperatives for African countries in the 21st century: liberalization of commercial and industrial activities in a deliberate effort to make them the preserve of the...
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Practical Foundations of Business System Specifications
Book Description The essentials of comprehensible specifications of business and of system artefacts ought to be used by, and therefore understandable to, all customers of these specifications - business subject matter experts, decision makers,...
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Mel Silberman The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader's Guide (Active Training Series)
Book DescriptionAssertive people are able to clearly make their point, speak their mind, and express their needs while maintaining others’ self-esteem. How to Speak Up Without Putting Others Down, Leader’s Guide from the popular ...
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Rakesh Mohan Joshi International Marketing
Book DescriptionInternational Marketing is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the requirements of MBA students specializing in marketing. Users will find this book highly useful for its coverage of the theoretical foundations,...
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USA International Business Publications Spain Business Law Handbook (World Business Law Handbook Library)
Book DescriptionThis law handbook contains information on basic business legislation, laws and regulatoins affecting export-import, business, foreign investments, property rights, taxation and banking. (Updated annually)...
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Abrams Campbell's Kids 2005 Wall Calendar
Book DescriptionWith vintage Campbell's Kids illustrations, a fixture of this well-known brand's advertising for 100 years, this calendar is as classic and cozy as a bowl of tomato soup. Includes Campbell's Soup recipe cards. M'm! M'm! Good!...
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David E. Carter Blank Book for Design Ideas
Book Description A companion to The Big Book of Design Ideas, here's a handy blank book you can use to keep track of all those creative ideas that come out of nowhere? Keep this nearby and record your most important thoughts as they...
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Al Sarrantonio Haydn of Mars
Book DescriptionOn Mars, in the distant future, the princess Haydn's arranged marriage cannot save her beloved Republic. Her arch-enemy, the warrior-woman Frane, seeks to make herself Queen while Haydn--the legitimate heir-- must flee for her life. ...
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Barbara Schroeder The Diet for Teenagers Only
Amazon.com Tailored for 13- to 19-year-old girls (sorry, guys) The Diet for Teenagers Only dishes up a sensible balance of recipes, weight loss strategies, and straight talk about food. Writing partners Carrie Wiatt ( Eating by Design )...
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Richie Unterberger Eight Miles High: Folk-Rock's Flight from Haight-Ashbury to Woodstock
Book DescriptionThis book explores the folk-rock scene from mid-1966 to the end of that decade, when folk-rock began spinning and splintering into many different directions that continue to influence music today. The book traces the interwoven web...
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Домой Алексей Горбылев. Когти невидимок. Оружие и снаряжение
Арнольд Пейтент. Ты можешь иметь все
Гарик Сукачев. Концерт в МХАТ им.Чехова.
Xavier De Maistre. Journey Around My Room and a Nocturnal Expedition
Karmahacker. Bending The Reality. Timing; I'M In Love; Bending
Гремят раскаты молодые. Вот уже шесть лет подряд газета "Литературная
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Max Beckmann. Max Beckmann: A Dream of Life
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