Thomas W. Lee, Sage Pubns

Using Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research (Organizational Research Methods)

Offering a broad description of qualitative research, this book facilitates the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in organizational research. It examines the methods and tactics for both generating and testing management theories,...

Andrew J. Dubrin

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Leadership (2nd Edition)

This guide is for novices in the areas of leadership, business management, and working with people. Beginners can learn practical ways to apply leadership techniques in their daily work life. Topics covered in the book include team and group...

Janelle Barlow, Dianna Maul

Emotional Value: Creating Strong Bonds With Your Customers

Todays consumers demand not only services and products that are of the highest quality, but also positive, memorable experiences. This essential guide shows how organizations can leapfrog their competitors by learning how to add emotional value--the...

Aggie White

Interview Styles and Strategies: Professional Development Series

Interview Styles and Strategies focuses on the most important component to the job search process-- the interview. Providing practical tips and advice on both the traditional and non-traditional methods, this book will offer insight into...

Gloria Page, Sharilyn Miller

Holy Moly Mackeroly! Reflections on the Business of Art and the Art of Life

HOLY MOLY Mackeroly! ...from 3 Art Stamps to the Smithsonian... Reflections on the Business of Art and the Art of Life This book is "business memoir" and is unique in the arts and crafts industry. The author speaks from personal...

Craig Walls, Norman Richards, Rickard Oberg

XDoclet in Action (In Action series)

A guide to the XDoclet development tool that eliminates programming busy work by automatically generating code and other deployment artifacts, this book enables developers who place meta-data in a single source code file, to use XDoclet to generate...

Sheila Frankel

Demystifying the Ipsec Puzzle (Artech House Computer Security Series)

Now that the Internet has blossomed into the "Information Superhighway," with its traffic (and drivers) becoming increasingly diverse, security has emerged as a primary concern. This innovative new book offers you a global, integrated approach to...

Stretch Marks - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referen

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Tim Monroe

QuickTime Toolkit Volume One : Basic Movie Playback and Media Types (Quicktime Developer Series)

"When QuickTime application developers get stuck, one of the first places they look for help is example code from Tim Monroe. Finally, Tim's well-crafted examples and clear descriptions are available in book form—a must-have for anyone writing...

Владимир Маяковский

Владимир Маяковский. Полное собрание сочинений в тринадцати томах. Том 5

5 том - стихотворения 1923 года....

Ева Вонг

Дао обретения здоровья, долголетия и бессмертия. Учение бессмертных Чжунли и Люя

Перед вами уникальная книга - перевод подлинного древнего трактата по китайской медицине, дошедшего до нас из глубины веков. В диалоге бессмертных адептов Дао - мудрого учителя Чжунли Цюаня и его талантливого ученика Люй Дунбиня - раскрывается...

<<<  Теофиль де Вио. О бессмертии души, или Смерть Сократа             В. М. Пушкарева. Экономика >>>

Игры Р. А. Мангушев, А. В. Ершов, А. И. Осокин. Современные Цифры. Эта красочно иллюстрированная книжка в увлекательной форме Татьяна Игнатьева. Свадебные платья и аксессуары Джон Гульд. Птицы Европы (подарочное издание) Роберт Рождественский. Мгновения, мгновения, мгновения... Билайн В. С. Иванов, Ю. Л. Винниченко, Е. В. Иванова. Воспаление пульпы ДМОЗ Б. Г. Трубников. Боевые школы и системы мира
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