Helsa Ariass, Glaurys Ariass

Save Pennies, Bank Millions

This book bridges the distant gap that inherently exists between principle and practice. Financial theories and principles are interpreted, defined and translated into a practical course of action. SAVE PENNIES, BANK MILLIONS affords the reader...

William Grandmill

100 Million Dollars in Profits: An Anatomy of a Market Killing and a Realistic Trading Plan

Kicks off with an exciting blow-by-blow account of one of the biggest killings in market history. A staggering profit made by a man who had never before traded a single futures contract! Kelly Angle has developed a trading plan based on his...

Andrew Kakabadse, Nada Kakabadse

The Geopolitics of Governance: The Impact of Contrasting Philosophies

Little attention has been given to the impact of adopting different governance models on societies and nations unaccustomed to alternative ways of working. This book explores the governance impact on both the structure and performance of...

Devendra Agochiya

Every Trainer's Handbook

This manual is a comprehensive, step-by-step practical approach to planning and delivering a training programme. Important points have been appropriately elaborated and further reinforced through examples. Guidelines are also provided to assist...

Margo Chevers

Stop the Bad Service

Direct, to the point, easy to read tips for the customer service professional. Titles include: Tips for More Effective Communication, Tips for Managers, Tips for Dealing With Difficult Customers and more....

Joan Della Valle, Emmett Sawyer, Mary Masi


By 2005, U.S. teachers will become an endangered species. Now, prospective teachers turn to LearningExpress to discover how to get started on a rewarding career path in education. With the latest salary and benefit information, the most up-to-date...

Beverly Voth

FileMaker Pro 6 Developer's Guide to XML/XSL (Wordware Library for Filemaker)

This book is designed to teach the FileMaker Pro developer about XML and XSL....

Diane Zak


CGI/Perl teaches users how to write CGI programs using the Perl programming language, the most common way Web sites accept orders over the Internet. Users begin the book with an introduction to the Perl language and progress into developing forms...

Thomas G. Robertazzi

Computer Networks and Systems

This text, intended for a first course in performance evaluation, provides a self-contained treatment of all aspects of queueing theory. It starts by introducing readers to the terminology and usefulness of queueing theory and continues by...

Mark Spencer

Motion for Mac OS X : Visual QuickStart Guide (VISUAL QUICKSTART GUIDES)

Offering never-before-seen features like the ability to preview multiple HD videos in real time and Behaviors-based animations plus a price hundreds of dollars below its big-name competitor, Apple's brand-new Motion software is one tool you won't...

Особая экономическая зона. Таможенный альманах, №4, 2004

В предлагаемом издании дается обзор последних законодательных и нормативных актов, касающихся создания и функционирования Особой экономической зоны в Калининградской области. Приводятся положения о порядке перевозки товаров под таможенным...

<<<  Артур Хейли. Артур Хейли. Комплект из 8 книг. ...             В. М. Пушкарева. Экономика >>>

Рамблер Виртуальные открытки Блез Паскаль. Мысли Топ А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Собрание сочинений в 10 томах. Сергей Козлов. Английский в картинках Яндекс Offspring "Smash". Книга содержит транскрипции Фенимор Купер. Фенимор Купер. Избранные сочинения в шести Почта
Одинцово, Саратов, Липецк, Стерлитамак, Архангельск, Электросталь, Уссурийск, Миасс, Подольск, Балашиха, Санкт-Петербург, Армавир, Тольятти, Кострома, Ижевск, Орск, Южно-Сахалинск, Иркутск, Ярославль, Саратов, Хабаровск, Первоуральск, Шахты, Ульяновск, Казань, Москва , Мытищи, Новороссийск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Октябрьский,
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