Marguerite, S. Robinson

Microfinance Revolution Volume 2: Lessons from Indonesia

The revolution occurring in finance for low-income people refers to commercial microfinance?the delivery of financial services to the economically active poor on a large scale through competing, financially self-sufficient institutions. ...

Susan Eisenberg

We'll Call You If We Need You: Experiences of Women Working Construction

"For my very first day in union construction I was sent to a bank in downtown Boston where a journeyman needed a hand pulling wire. Arriving early with my new tools and pouch, I knocked on the glass door in the high-rise lobby and explained to the...

Paula Moreira

Ace the IT Job Interview!

Land the IT job of your dreams with help from this insider guide. You’ll discover valuable interview strategies for standing in the crowd as an applicant and learn best practices for representing your experience, education, previous...

Francina R. Harrison

A Mind to Work: The Life and Career Planning Guide for People Who Want Need to Work

Do you need to work? Do you want a balanced life? Do you want to know your gifts and talents? Then A Mind to Work is just for you. A Mind to Work will empower you from start to finish, challenging you to fulfill your potentials. A must...

Bruce W. Morgan

Strategy and Enterprise Value in the Relationship Economy

Strategy and Enterprise Value in the Relationship Economy Bruce W. Morgan Competitive Survival in Today?s Marketplace Requires New Approaches Adapted to New Conditions It means substantially revising many business and investment principles...

A. E. Hall, Anthony E. Hall, Anthony E Hall

Crop Responses to Environment

Crop Responses to Environment discusses the principles, theories, and experimental observations concerning plant responses to environment that are particularly relevant to developing improved crop cultivars and management methods. The book...

Victor Sperandeo

Trader Vic II : Principles of Professional Speculation (Wiley Trading)

The man Barron's dubbed "the ultimate Wall Street pro" returns with a stunning follow-up to his bestselling Trader Vic—Methods of a Wall Street Master ("The best investment book of 1992"—The Stock Trader's Almanac). Take an advanced...

Ted H. Hess

Success Programs for Working Women in Business. Program 6: Getting Men to Agree...Better Business Decision-Making.

This program is for working women who are fed up with the male dominance in their business or social organization. This is a program for women who want to break into the "good old boy" network for a greater chance at getting promoted and having a...

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Quick Reference Guide

·Handy color-coded tabs for easy reference ·Maps of major basic cities, including locations of major buildings and trainers ·Convenient stats tables for weapons, armor, vehicles, and creatures ·Crafting schematics and components tables ...

Alexander O. Tarakanov, Victor A. Skormin, Svetlana P. Sokolova

Immunocomputing: Principles and Applications

This book is an attempt to introduce immunocomputing (IC) as a new computing approach replicating the principles of information processing by proteins and immune networks. A rigorous mathematical basis of the IC, consistent with the recent findings...

Nozer D. Singpurwalla, Simon Wilson, Simon P. Wilson

Statistical Methods in Software Engineering: Reliability and Risk (Springer Series in Statistics)

This book establishes a framework for dealing with uncertainties in software engineering, and for using quantitative measures for decision making in this context. It brings in perspective the large body of work having statistical content that is...

<<<  А. Чехов. А. Чехов. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати томах. Том 10             В. М. Пушкарева. Экономика >>>

QIP.ру Ответы Ответы Ю. А. Симагин, В. Б. Пятунин. Контрольные А. М. Кода, Г. П. Шалаева. Итальянско-русский MOMENTS MUSICOUX/ IMPROMPTUS/KLAVERSTUCKE. Из рук в руки Гогле Лууле Виилма. Исток жизни МСН Лиз Бурбо. Отношения Родитель - Ребенок
Рыбинск, Старый Оскол, Муром, Камышин, Южно-Сахалинск, Уссурийск, Новочеркасск, Барнаул, Нефтекамск, Елец, Кемерово, Артём, Бийск, Иваново, Камышин, Бийск, Нижний Тагил, Липецк, Щёлково, Нальчик, Ижевск, Пятигорск, Армавир, Саратов,
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