Эрих Редер

Гросс-адмирал. Воспоминания командующего ВМФ Третьего рейха. 1935-1943

В своей книге гросс-адмирал Эрих Редер, стоявший во главе ВМФ Германии с 1935 года до января 1943 года, описывает свой жизненный путь, особое внимание уделяя периодам Первой и Второй мировых войн. Будущий адмирал был непосредственным участником...

Патрик Зюскинд

Повесть о господине Зоммере

В "Повести о господине Зоммере" Патрик Зюскинд, известный во всем мире автор романа "Парфюмер" и пьесы "Контрабас", обращается к внутреннему мир подростка, рассказывая о нем с неподдельной нежностью и легкой иронией. Книга иллюстрирована...

Rebecca Connor

Women, Accounting and Narrative: Keeping Books in Eighteenth-Century England (Routledge International Studies in Business History, 8)

In the early eighteenth century, the household accountant was traditionally female. However, just as women were seen as financial accountants, they were also deeply associated with the literary and narrative accounting inherent in letters and...

Youssef Cassis

Finance and Financiers in European History 1880-1960

In this major "state of the art" survey, a highly distinguished team of contributors addresses the complex and crucial role of finance in European history during the period 1880-1960. Throughout the volume a global and comparative perspective is...

Paul Hare, Judy Batt, Saul Estrin

Reconstituting the Market: The Political Economy of Microeconomic Transformation

Reconstituting the Market details many transition economies - some already well known, others enjoying very little attention from researchers - and a range of important issues to do with state building and its links with microeconomic...

Adrian Coles

Counselling in the Workplace

“The strength of Adrian Coles’ book is its basis in his extensive knowledge of workplace counselling in Britain and his wide knowledge and relationships with those who work in the area. What is magical about his book is his use of...

Jackie Krafft

The Process of Competition

The study of competition and competitiveness has recently seen a great deal of expansion and development. This timely survey reviews the most important developments in policy and practice. It illustrates the complexity of competitive behavior in the...

United Nations Conference on Trade and D

African Development in a Comparative Perspective

This book seeks to identify, in an international perspective, what has, and has not, worked in structural adjustment programs in Africa, to explain key weaknesses, and to put forward feasible alternatives. Published for and on behalf of the United...

Robert Albritton, John Simoulidis

New Dialectics and Political Economy (Political Science & International Relations)

Many of the leading thinkers on dialectics in the Marxian tradition have collaborated here to put forward and debate challenging new perspectives on the nature and importance of dialectics. The issues dealt with range from the philosophical...

Inc Wizdom Systems, Inc. Wizdom Systems

Process Optimization in Home Healthcare: A Step by Step Guide to Understanding and Improving Healthcare Delivery to Home Bound Patients

At last! A step-by-step guide to improving Home Healthcare! Contains easy to understand models, templates, tips and techniques, developed and practiced by some of America's finest hospitals, universities, and home healthcare...

D.J. Petty, D.K. Harrison

Systems for Plannnig and Control in Manufacturing

The book is divided into two sections: Section 1 - Introduces the subject as a whole and describes the key generic tools and techniques to support the manufacturing organisation. Section 2 - Modern planning and control methods at a detailed...

<<<  В. П. Олейников, М. Д. Полосин. Машинист крана автомобильного             В. М. Пушкарева. Экономика >>>

Работа О. А. Макарова. Корпоративное право Вакансии Все о Линукс Знакомства Greek Vases: Images, Contexts and Controversies: The World Bank. World Bank Atlas 2000 Т. И. Науменко, В. В. Алеев. Музыка. 5 класс. Учебник для В. Шапарь. Мой босс - самодур Почта.ру Программы М. А. Шишов, А. И. Ткачев, М. Ф. Черкасов, Звенящие кедры России. Альманах, № 1(4), 2003. В альманахе представлены Мой мир Цзе Кун. Восемь последовательностей Люй Дунбиня.
Рязань, Москва, Волгодонск, Ногинск, Находка, Братск, Северодвинск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий,
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