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Иллюстрированный путеводитель по женскому телу
Энциклопедия содержит около тысячи статей по широкому диапазону вопросов о женском организме: анатомия и физиология, беременность и роды, поддержание здоровья, диета, контроль за весом, процессы старения, заболевания и другие нарушения, поражающие...
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Jordan Simon, Brian Caverly Estate Planning for Dummies
If you’re like most people, you want to be sure that, once you’ve passed on, no more of your property and money will be lost to the government than is absolutely necessary. You want to know that you’ll be leaving your heirs your...
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F. Peter Boer, F. Peter Boer The Real Options Solution: Finding Total Value in a High-Risk World
A New Approach to the Valuation of Businesses and Technologies Based on Options Theory The Real Options Solution presents a practical approach to applying real options analysis that is based on one core insight: all business plans are options....
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Michael A. Bernstein A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America
The economics profession in twentieth-century America began as a humble quest to understand the "wealth of nations." It grew into a profession of immense public prestige--and now suffers a strangely withered public purpose. Michael Bernstein...
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Robert Pahre Leading Questions: How Hegemony Affects the International Political Economy (Michigan Studies in International Political Economy)
Leadership has long been an important subject in the study of international economic relations. Many scholars give American leadership credit for strong economic growth in western Europe and Japan after World War II. Other scholars have accused...
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Jennet Conant Tuxedo Park : A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II
The Untold Story of the American Entrepreneur Who Helped Build the Atomic Bomb and Defeat the Nazis. Legendary financier, philanthropist, and society figure Alfred Lee Loomis gathered the most visionary scientific minds of the twentieth...
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Alberto Giovannini, R. Glenn Hubbard, Joel Slemrod Studies in International Taxation
As a united global economy evolves, economists and policymakers are forced to consider whether the current system of taxing income is inconsistent with the trend toward liberalized world financial flows and increased international competition....
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Robert P. Gilles Economic Exchange and Social Organization: The Edgeworthian Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory (Theory and Decision Library. Series C, Game The ... programminG, and Operations Research, Vol 12)
This book aims at the development of an institutional approach to general economic equilibrium. It is argued that general equilibrium theory forms a well-rounded basis for the development of an institutional economic theory. The fundamental economic...
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Paul Corrigan Shakespeare on Management
In the last couple of years, the Elizabethan period has gone mainstream: First Kenneth Branaugh brough Hamlet into shopping mall theaters. This year, we had ELIZABETH, the Best Picture Oscar winner SHAKEPEARE IN LOVE, and a mainstream film version...
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Leigh H. Bailey Taking Charge of Your Career
A workbook that provides practical tools, a "road map", and support for: - Making your current job more satisfying - Setting and accomplishing future career goals By focusing on these objectives, readers become happier and more satisfied with...
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Carl J. Bergquist Ham Radio Operator's Guide
Building on the success of Prompts publishing of the very first HAM Radio Guide (Hayden) in the late-1960s, Prompt brings the HAM radio user up-to-date with the 2nd edition of HAM Radio Operators Guide. Bergquist has updated this recent text with...
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Домой Игорь Соловей. Лучшая книга о питании
Daisy Goodwin. Essential Poems (To Fall in Love With)
Мейвис Чик. Любовник тетушки Маргарет
Steven M. Bragg. Accounting for Payroll : A Comprehensive
Набор салфеток "Византия" (45х45), цвет золотой. Набор
Andre Norton. Lost Lands of Witch World (Witch World Chronicles)
Ю. Певзнер, Ю. Чернер. Секреты Интерпола
Ульяновск, Магнитогорск, Сочи, Электросталь, Новороссийск, Дербент, Пенза, Химки, Нальчик, Челябинск, Саранск, Петропавловск-Камчатский,
Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Мистика и ужасы| Фильмы на иностранных языках| Спортивные| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Охрана труда| Политика| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Электронный бизнес| Стратегии (Strategy)| Обучающие видеопрограммы| Изобразительное искусство. Архитектура. Альбомы| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Строительство| Справочная литература| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Физико-математические науки|
книги интернет магазин, народные сказки, библиотека литературы, интернет библиотека, печатные издания, audiobook, букинистика, русские сказки, деловая книга, сайты книжных магазинов, mp3 аудиокниги, учебники английского, магазин книги, магазины книги, бестселлер, сайты книжных магазинов, художественная литература, где купить книгу, деловая книга, книжная ярмарка олимпийский, книги бестселлер, |