Dmitriy Loza

Attack of the Airacobras: Soviet Aces, American P-39S, and the Air War Against Germany

During its struggle with Germany, the Soviet Union received nearly 5000 American Bell P-39 Airacobra fighter planes. This text focues on these planes and the combat operations and daily life of one unit, the ninth Guards Fighter Division....

Кристофер Харт

Спаси меня

Позор! Катастрофа! И как итог - безработица и банкротство! Но Дэн Своллоу - яппи нового поколения. Он знает - мир не любит неудачников, но знает и еще одно: удача приходит к тем, кто не боится рисковать. Итак, новая работа: прибыльная,...

Феномен прошлого

Знание о прошлом в последние десятилетия является объектом активного обсуждения в самых разных аспектах - от проблем эпистемологии и национальной идентичности до школьного образования и "культурной памяти". Очевидно, что "прошлая реальность"...

David P. Bridges

The Best Coal Company in All Chicago, and How It Got That Way

Book DescriptionHere is history from the bottom up. Jacob Best emigrated from Prussia in 1869 to settle in Chicago. He carved out a life for himself and his family as a saloonkeeper in the Lake View neighborhood. By 1887 he had a well-established...

Leo Palladino

Hairdressing - The Foundations : The Official Guide to Level 2

Book Description Hairdressing: The Foundations, Fourth Edition is the official guide to NVQ level 2 Hairdressing. Published by Thomson Learning in association with HABIA and City & Guilds, Hairdressing: The Foundations has been fully revised and...

The Secure Online Business: E-Commerce, It Functionality & Business Continuity

Book DescriptionThe effective management of risks online is likely to be the greatest business enabler / destroyer of the next decade. Clearly, organizations that do not move to full e-commerce functionality are unlikely to flourish; whereas those...

David Clement-Davies

The Sight (Firebird)

Amazon.comIn an epic tale of good and evil, legend and history, and the blessing and curse of an extraordinary gift of the Sight (an ability to see through others' minds and into the future), David Clement-Davies obliges the many fans of Fire...

Peter Pouncey

Rules for Old Men Waiting : A Novel

Book DescriptionA brief, lyrical novel with a powerful emotional charge, Rules for Old Men Waiting is about three wars of the twentieth century and an ever-deepening marriage. In a house on the Cape “older than the...

Brian S. Everitt

An R and S-Plus® Companion to Multivariate Analysis (Springer Texts in Statistics)

Book Description Most data sets collected by researchers are multivariate, and in the majority of cases the variables need to be examined simultaneously to get the most informative results. This requires the use of one or other of the many methods...

Luis Fernando Verissimo

Borges and the Eternal Orangutans

Book Description Jorge Luis Borges is the hero of this literary whodunit by one of Brazil's most celebrated writers. Vogelstein is a loner who has always lived among books. Suddenly, fate grabs hold of his insignificant life and carries...

Santana Day Planner: Calendar/Journal/Phonebook

Book DescriptionNever-before-seen photos of one of rock's greatest icons are revealed in a unique format for daily appointments and schedules. This beautifully-illustrated book is also a wonderful collectors' item for all fans of this legendary...

<<<  Ginae McDonald. 10 Minutes to Organized Internet Usage: ...             Протоирей Александр Торик. Флавиан >>>

Харуки Мураками. Рождество Овцы МТС Ответы John Cale. Circus Live (2 CD + DVD). Представляем Вакансии Работа Suzanne C. Lowe. Marketplace Masters : How Professional Дуэль под солнцем. Дженнифер Джонс ("Посрами дьявола"), Грегори Работа Connie Bruck. When Hollywood Had a King: The Reign of Lew Wasserman, Who Валентина Скультэ. Английский для детей. Методические указания. Ключи Виталий Обедин. Слотеры. Игра Покрана
Старый Оскол, Орехово-Зуево, Таганрог, Тамбов, Новочеркасск, Сызрань, Казань, Химки, Красноярск, Йошкар-Ола, Армавир, Салават, Новочебоксарск, Новочеркасск, Саратов, Пенза, Новочебоксарск, Дербент, Краснодар, Новый Уренгой, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Калининград, Серпухов, Питер, Тула, Владимир, Нефтекамск, Кызыл, Москва , Миасс,
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