Мамы и малыши

Яркие и занимательные книжки-игрушки для самых маленьких. Маленькие читатели смогут не только познакомиться с симпатичными зверюшками, но и поиграть с ними прямо на страницах книги: погладить шерстку крольчонка или подергать котика за усы....

Шэрон Оуэнс

Чайная на Малберри-стрит

Судьбы героев этой невероятной рождественской истории причудливым образом переплетаются и сходятся в удивительном месте, полном загадок и чудес, - в чайной на Малберри-стрит, где подают восхитительные десерты и где однажды, совершенно неожиданно,...

J. Stewart Black

Leading Strategic Change: Breaking Through the Brain Barrier

Book Description Of organizations that seek strategic change, 70% fail. In Leading Strategic Change,now in paperback, leading consultants J. Stewart Black and Hal B. Gregersen examine the core problem: organizations fail to change because...

Robyn Blakeman

The Bare Bones of Advertising Print Design

Book DescriptionThe Bare Bones of Advertising Print Design is an ideal handbook for beginning designers and students of advertising design/layout and desktop publishing. Robyn Blakeman dissects the creative process one piece at a time, giving a...

Jean Racine

The Complete Plays of Jean Racine, Volume I: Iphigenia, Andromache, Britannicus

Book DescriptionThis is the first volume of what is planned to be a complete traversal in English of Racine's twelve plays, only the third time such a project has been undertaken in the three hundred years since Racine's death. Volume I comprises...

Christopher Fitz-Simon

The Abbey Theatre: Ireland's National Theatre, The First 100 Years

Book DescriptionDublin's Abbey Theatre opened its doors to the public on December 27, 1904. Over the course of the past century, it has survived fire, riot, and perpetual artistic disagreement to become one of the greatest theaters in the world,...

Adam Hochschild

Half the Way Home : A Memoir of Father and Son

Book DescriptionFrom the author of the best-selling King Leopold's Ghost, this haunting and deeply honest memoir tells of Adam Hochschild's conflicted relationship with his father, the head of a multinational mining corporation. The author lyrically...

Kenneth Grahame

The Wind in the Willows Book and Charm (Charming Classics)

Book Description "It's for your own good, Toady, you know," said the Rat kindly, as Toad, kicking and struggling, was hauled up the stairs by his two faithful friends. "Think what fun we shall all have together, just as we used...

Robert Lowell

The Letters of Robert Lowell

Book Description Over the course of his life, Robert Lowell impressed those who knew him by his "refusal to be boring on paper" (Christopher Benfey). One of the most influential poets of the twentieth century, Lowell was also a prolific letter...

Irene Trimble

Chicken Little: The Junior Novelization

This time the sky is falling, but Chicken Little isn’t sure he wants to give up his newfound glory on the baseball field to warn everyone. (You remember what happened last time!) The Junior Novelization, featuring eight pagesof...

Гэнъитиро Такахаси

Сайонара, Гангстеры

Чтобы понять, о чем книга, ее нужно прочитать. Бесконечно изобретательный, беспощадно эрудированный, но никогда не забывающий о своем читателе автор проводит его, сбитого с толку, по страницам романа, интригуя и восхищая, но не заставляя страдать...

<<<  Portfolio №23. Spezial Fotografie. Francis Giacobetti. ...             Протоирей Александр Торик. Флавиан >>>

А.И. Деникин. Очерки русской смуты. Крушение Южин В.И.. Энциклопедия этикета Чезаре Санфилиппо. Курс римского частного права Клайне-Гунк Б.. Справочник покупателя. Фитоэстрогены: "чудо-таблетка" Paul Luff, Jon Hindmarsh, Christian Heath. Workplace Studies: Recovering George Szell. Beethoven. Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" О. Г. Ульциферов. Культурное наследие Индии Luvox - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Lisa Banim. Lizzie McGuire Mysteries: Case at Camp Get-Me-Outie! - Book
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