Jack Johnston, John Dinardo

Econometric Methods

A classic text in the field, this new edition features a new co-author and provides a well-balanced and comprehensive study of current econometric theory and practice for undergraduate or graduate study. Traditional topics are carefully blended...

Managing Mergers Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances : Integrating people and cultures

Mergers, acquisitions, and alliances continue to be almost an everyday feature of the contemporary business scene, yet at least half prove to be unsuccessful. The authors show the contribution that psychology can make to our understanding of the...

Edwin C., Jr. Leonard, Raymond L. Hilgert

Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management

Supervision, 9th Edition provides the skills and knowledge base needed to become supervisors in today's changing work environment. The text focuses on practical skills in examining the functions of management and how they are applied to both...

Switzerland) World Trade Forum 2000 Neuchatel, Petros C. Mavroidis, Patrick Blatter, Thomas Cottier

The Role of the Judge: Lessons for the Wto (Studies in International Economics)

The incorporation of intellectual property protection into the WTO international trading system has been a milestone in international economic law and has added a new dimension to trade regulation?new rights and obligations and new challenges...

P. K. M. Tharakan, D. Van Den Bulcke

International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and the Economic Environment: Essays in Honour of Professor Sylvain Plasschaert

In this volume, well-known experts analyze some of the most important problems of the rapid growth of international trade, foreign direct investment, and the problems related to the economic environment within which such trade and investment take...

Craig Freedman, Macquarie University Centre for Japanese Economic Studies

Economic Reform in Japan: Can the Japanese Change?

At the start of a new century, Japan finds itself confronted with an economic challenge that is unlike any it has faced since the end of World War II. Most commentators agree that Japan has to change. The issue is the form and direction that such a...

Ian Angell

New Barbarian Manifesto

IT was once welcomed as a liberator and genie that would free us from enslavement to mundane chores and the daily grind. Instead, Ian Angell says it is breeding a new society of `barbarians` in which the winner takes all. He claims that the world...

Shu-Heng Chen, International Conference of the Society for Computational Economics on

Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming in Computational Finance

After a decade of development, genetic algorithms and genetic programming have become a widely accepted toolkit for computational finance. Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming in Computational Finance is a pioneering volume devoted entirely to...

John C. Maxwell

Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know

Drawing from John Maxwell's bestsellers Developing the Leader Within You, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, and Becoming a Person of Influence, Leadership 101 explores the timeless principles that...

Alan Axelrod

When the Buck Stops With You: Harry S. Truman on Leadership

Harry Truman had been vice president for less than a year when he inherited the White House in 1945. With little preparation, he masterfully guided the nation through the last days of World War II, the Marshall Plan, and the war in Korea. The...

Bas De Baar

The Microwave Way to Software Project Management

The Microwave Way to Software Project Management takes you on a fast, entertaining and essential tour through the jungle software project managers can and will walk in to. For a lot of readers one conclusion still comes as a big surprise:...

<<<  Роберт Штильмарк. Роберт Штильмарк. Собрание ...             Протоирей Александр Торик. Флавиан >>>

SIMPLE MINDS. NEAPOLIS. Исполнитель: SIMPLE MINDS Альбом: NEAPOLIS Работа Гого Василь Быков. Сотников Михайлов С.. Хомячки Донна Кауффман. Сказки серого волка М. Д. Моисеев. Устные темы по английскому языку. 5-11 класс Robert A. Margo. Wages and Labor Markets Джейн Баучер. Как полюбить работу, которую вы ненавидите Ed Templeton: The Golden Age of Neglect. Знакомства Т. Я. Шпикалова, Г. А. Величкина. Дымковская игрушка. Environmental Management for Hotels: A Student's Handbook. МТС Игорь Куберский. Лола
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