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Bryan Milling The Basics of Finance: Financial Tools for Non Financial Managers
From the author of the best-selling Cash Flow Problem Solver, here is the essential desk companion for the businessperson with direct or indirect business financial responsibility. The Basics of Finance can help you: * Understand your firm's...
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Zuhayr Mikdashi Financial Intermediation in the 21st Century: Leaders' Dialogues on Global Finance
The increasing interdependence of the world economy has huge implications for global finance in the 21st century. This volume brings together leading scholars and practitioners to offer an in-depth analysis of the new direction open to the...
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Lori Wallach, Patrick Woodall, Ralph Nader Whose Trade Organization?: A Comprehensive Guide to the World Trade Organization, Second Edition
Surveying eight years of the WTO's gradual erosion of democracy around the world. No country can be allowed to resist American cultural imperialism. ?US Chamber of Commerce letter to the Office of the US Trade Representative, 1996 ...
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Loren Fox Enron : The Rise and Fall
Praise for Enrom The Rise and Fall "A sober and clear-eyed book . . . Fox places the unspooling of Enron in its market-history context, and his book has gravitas." ?Barron?s "Offers the most detailed explanation...
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Scott Jenson The Simplicity Shift: Innovative Design Tactics in a Corporate World
High-tech products have historically had notoriously poor design. Fortunately, companies have recently started to embrace user-centered design practices. This transition hasn't been smooth; many companies have difficulty transferring good design...
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Peter C. Brinckerhoff Mission-Based Marketing : An Organizational Development Workbook (Brinckerhoff, Peter C., Mission-Based Management Series,)
Acquire the tools you need to become a market-driven organization With the increase in competition for government and private funding, volunteers, and ways of getting their message out to the people they serve, not-for-profits must adopt...
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Joseph Goeters, Peter Glover, Sherry Weston, Lloyd Hampton, Ralph Tamper Texas Real Estate Sales Exam
In order to become a licensed real estate salesperson in the state of Texas, candidates must pass the Texas Real Estate Sales Exam. This exam assesses knowledge and application of national and Texas real estate laws and practices. Designed to help...
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Peggy N. Kerley Employment Law
This new text covers the history of employment law, wage and hour legislation, tort and breach of contract law, ADA, sexual harassment, discrimination, age discrimination, and employees' rights....
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Ян Дембовский Психология обезьян
В книге "Психология животных" автор обстоятельно раскрывает особенности психики этих животных. Читатель найдет в ней интереснейшие факты, относящиеся к систематике, анатомии, морфологии, биологии, психологии обезьян и к освещению вопросов...
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Sverre H. Huseby Innocent Code : A Security Wake-Up Call for Web Programmers
This book is much more than a wake-up call. It is also an eye-opener. Even for those who are already awake to the problems of Web server security, it is a serious guide for what to do and what not to do, with many well-chosen examples. The set of...
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Dennis Shasha, Cathy Lazere, Cathy A. Lazere Out of Their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer Scientists
Imagine being able to ask Newton about falling apples or Euclid about his personal vision of geometry. In Out of their Minds, readers will hear the Newtons and Euclids of the computer age as they talk about their discoveries in information...
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Домой Яндекс
Т. А. Журавлева. Химия. Практические задания с ответами и
Поиск мета
Brian Michael Bendis. The Pulse Vol. 1: Thin Air
Поиск людей
John C. Brooks. Mastering Technical Analysis (Mcgraw-Hill
Киселева А.Ю.. Геометрия. 9 класс. Поурочные планы по учебнику А. В. Погорелова
Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, Edmund Weiner. The Ring of Words:
Антология мировой фантастики и детектива. Том 2. Во второй том Антологии мировой
Агент майл.ру
Маккол М.Р.. Леди в алом
Yohimbe - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography,
Почти беременна. Таня Робертс ("Женские игры"),
Gerard Jones. Men Of Tomorrow: Geek, Gangsters, and the
Sandra M. McWhorter. Buying Stocks Is Child's Play
Шибенду Лахири: Пятьдесят драгоценных камней радостного восприятия. Шибенду
Мартин Бубер. Хасидские истории. Первые учителя
David Shrigley. The Book of Shrigley
Пермь, Санкт-Петербург, Хасавюрт, Копейск, Махачкала, Люберцы, Елец, Батайск, Владикавказ,
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