Ronald H. Chilcote

Imperialism: Theoretical Directions (Key Concepts in Critical Theory)

Focusing on capitalism and its evolution, this important collection of readings links nineteenth- and twentieth-century theories about the nature, sources, and effects of imperialism and development. Noted political economist Ronald H. Chilcote has...

John Van Oudenaren

Employment, Economic Development and Migration in Southern Europe and the Maghreb: Conference Preceedings (Conference Proceedings)

Papers presented at the conference analyze the overall employment and unemployment situation in the region, and its role in contributing to migration across the Mediterranean....

Fabrizio Trau

Structural Macroeconomic Change and the Size Pattern of Manufacturing Firms

The crisis of the so-called Golden Age regime has been paralleled since the late '60s of the twentieth century by and increasing importance of market exchanges as opposed to vertically integrated manufacturing activity, leading to major changes in...

Wendy Leebov

Working Together for Professionals in Health Care

A nuts-and-bolts, easy-to-read handbook for healthcare employees who need to work effectively and harmoniously with coworkers and as members of work teams. Addresses why it's so important to understand coworker relationships, how people interact in...

A. Saeed, Abdullah Saeed

Islamic Banking and Interest: A Study of the Prohibition of Riba and Its Contemporary Interpretation (Studies in Islamic Law and Society, V. 2)

This important book critically examines the traditional interpretation of riba (translated as usury of interest) and the attempts of modern Islamic banks to put that interpretation into practice. The first part of the book examines the...

World Bank, Boris Pleskovic

Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2003: The New Reform Agenda (Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics)

The Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) brings together the world's leading scholars and development practitioners for a lively debate on state-of-the-art thinking in development policy and the implications for the global...

Herman E. Daly, Kenneth N. Townsend

Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics

Valuing the Earth collects more than twenty classic and recent essays that broaden economic thinking by setting the economy in its proper ecological and ethical context....

Alpha C. Chiang

Elements of Dynamic Optimization

In this volume Dr. Chiang introduces readers to the most important methods of dynamic optimization used in economics. The classical calculus of variations, optimal control theory, and dynamic programming in its discrete form are explained in the...

Brad Hill

Building Your Business with Google<sup><small>TM</small></sup>&#160;For Dummies<sup>&#174;</sup> (FO

The first-ever book to show businesses step by step how to capitalize on advertising programs offered by Google, the world's #1 search engine, with more than 200 million search queries per day Written by a veteran For Dummies author...

Patrick Forsyth

Sales Management (Express Exec)

ExpressExec is a unique business resource of one hundred books. These books present the best current thinking and span the entire range of contemporary business practice. Each book gives you the key concepts behind the subject and the techniques to...

Martin A. Frey, Terry H. Bitting, Phyllis Hurley Frey

Introduction to the Law of Contracts

The third edition of this well-respected text presents a road-map approach for thinking about contracts problems. Steps in the road map include choice of law, contract formation, unenforceable contracts, breach of contract, and plaintiff's remedies....

<<<  И. А. Дамаскин. 100 великих операций спецслужб             Е. А. Баратынский. Е. А. Баратынский. Стихотворения ... >>>

REEVES, DIANNE. BEST OF. Исполнитель: REEVES, Вся история искусства. Живопись, архитектура, скульптура, Поиск майл.ру М. Горький. Макар Чудра. Сказки об Италии: Полуденное солнце. Туннель. Погода Ю. В. Мюррей. Русские фразеологизмы и их английские аналоги / Russian И. Барбур. Этика в век технологии ДМОЗ Gail DeGeorge. The Making of a Blockbuster : How Wayne Huizenga Лента КМ ЖЖ А. И. Кравченко, Е. А. Певцова. Обществознание. Донна Эндрюс. Месть кованых фламинго
Одинцово, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Шахты, Кемерово, Вологда, Рязань, Иваново, Братск, Северодвинск, Пятигорск, Таганрог, Ставрополь, Прокопьевск, Магнитогорск, Находка, Нижневартовск, Первоуральск, Альметьевск, Улан-Удэ, Киселёвск, Калуга,
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