Sue Eckstein, King's College

Manual for Research Ethics Committees: Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London

The sixth edition of the Manual for Research Ethics Committees is an unique compilation of legal and ethical guidance that is invaluable for members of research ethics committees, researchers involved in human research, members of the pharmaceutical...

Michael M. Beyerlein, Sue Freedman, Craig McGee, Linda Moran

Beyond Teams : Building the Collaborative Organization (Collaborative Work Systems Series)

"Finally, a book that goes beyond the 'how-to' of team building and answers the critical question, 'How do I create a collaborative organization that reaps the harvest of long-term investment in teams?' The 'ten principles of collaborative...

Kent Humphreys

Lasting Investments: A Pastor's Guide for Equipping Workplace Leaders to Leave a Spiritual Legacy

Upon first glance, pastors and marketplace leaders might not seem to share much in common. But in actuality, both groups share similar goals and talents. Yet because we are so quick to separate the spiritual from the secular, we overlook the...

Paul Hawken


Nearly everyone harbors a secret dream of starting or owning a business. In fact, 1,000,000 businesses start in the United States every year. Many of them fail, but enough succeed so that small businesses are now adding millions of jobs to the...

George Hager, Eric Pianin

Balancing Act: Washington's Troubled Path to a Balanced Budget

"A compelling book on budget-balancing, past and present. Not only is it a useful historical reference work but it is amazingly relevant to today's headlines." --Business Week Why did it take twenty-five years to balance the federal budget? And...

International Business Publications USA

Dominican Republic Investment and Business Guide

Strategic and practical informationfor condicting business in Dominican Republic...

Elinor Ostrom, Roy Gardner, James Walker

Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources

Explores ways that the tragedy of the commons can be avoided by people who use common-property resources ...

Richard Young

Uncertainty and the Environment: Implications for Decision Making and Environmental Policy

?The disturbance of an ecosystem is a unique, one-off event which involves, in the author?s terms, ?hard uncertainty?. This book makes a major contribution to environmental economics by tackling this issue head-on. Young...

Jan Fagerberg, Paolo Guerrieri, Bart Verspagen

The Economic Challenge for Europe: Adapting to Innovation Based Growth

Europe's performance relative to the US and countries in Asia is a topic that greatly preoccupies policymakers who are concerned that the European Union is losing ground compared to other, more dynamic, parts of the world. This book presents the...

Edward R Delgaizo, Seleste Lunsford, Mark Marone

Secrets of Top-Performing Salespeople

How today's top sales pros consistently connect with--and close--their best, most lucrative customers Sales pros often focus too much on operational details and forget that the secret to selling is developing strong customer...

Kelly L. Murdock, Kelly L. Murdock

JavaScript: Your visual blueprint for building dynamic Web pages

Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Inside you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 100 key JavaScript tasks, including: Assigning values to variables...

<<<  Дмитрий Гришанин. Безликие             Е. А. Баратынский. Е. А. Баратынский. Стихотворения ... >>>

Елена Сунцова. Давай поженимся Меняющаяся Европа. Проблемы этнокультурного взаимодействия. В книге рассматриваются Сергей Самаров. Прирожденный воин Донна Кауффман. Сказки серого волка Работа Российская газета Яндекс Christa Roberts. Free Fall (Alias) Course ILT: Budgeting. An affordable, easily scannable one-day training В. В. Лебедев, Г. И. Бочкарев. Читаем арабские тексты. Продвинутый
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