Amir Levy, Uri Merry

Organizational Transformation : Approaches, Strategies, and Theories

Organizational Transformation is the first book to analyze how organizations make it through difficult periods. Based on case studies drawn from a variety of industries, such as mental hospitals, schools, manufacturing companies, and the American...

James Hite Jr.

Learning in Chaos : Improving Human Performance in Today's Fast-Changing, Volatile Organizations (Improving Human Performance Series)

This book explains how change is a functional characteristic of any organization. And, as organizations begin to understand the nature of change, they can still adapt and grow by incorporating change into their structure instead of trying to control...

Barry K. Goodwin, Vincent H. Smith

The Economics of Crop Insurance and Disaster Aid (Aei Studies in Agricultural Policy)

Policies to deal with the consequences of the vagaries of nature have made headlines for several years. Each year when a "disaster" arrives, the administration and Congress compete in generosity toward those farm families in need. At the same time,...

Bob Wall

Working Relationships: The Simple Truth About Getting Along With Friends and Foes at Work

Being able to build effective relationships is at once the most important factor and the most frustrating challenge in creating success and satisfaction at work. Most people quit a job or are fired not because of their performance but because of...

Ben Fletcher

(Inner) Fitness and the Fit Corporation (Smart Strategies Series)

Smart Strategies Series(Inner) FITness & The FIT Corporation challenges traditional approaches and theories in organizational psychology and offers a very practical approach to personal development. It has major implications for how organizations...

Mike Moore

Humor in the Workplace

How to improve worker performance and productivity through humor, appreciation and praise....

Walter Mathews

Restaurant Newsletters That Pay Off

A restaurateur's guide to writing, designing, and publishing a newsletter. This book uses 50 actual newsletters to demonstrate how to create a great newsletter or how to turn an existing one into a more effective marketing tool that will: keep the...

John J. Clancy

The Invisible Powers: The Language of Business

This is a literate businessperson's guide to the language of business....

Irene Rodgers, Charles Gancel, Marc Raynauld, Marc Raynaud

Successful Mergers, Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances: How to Bridge Corporate Cultures

Irene Rodgers, Charles Gancel, and Marc Raynauld Successful Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Alliances provides a proven approach to understanding, analyzing, and acting on cultural differences in today's increasingly global M&A marketplace....

Joe Studwell

The China Dream: The Quest for the Last Great Untapped Market on Earth

In The China Dream , acclaimed business journalist Joe Studwell takes to task the predictions that China will become an economic juggernaut on the world stage in the twenty-first century -- and instead foresees an economic crisis. He argues...

Michael A. Hitt, Joan E. Ricart I Costa, Robert D. Nixon

Managing Strategically in an Interconnected World

Managing Strategically in an Interconnected World Business is now at a new frontier as managers face an increasingly interdependent and interconnected world. Sparked by the technological revolution and globalization of business, an exceedingly...

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