Neill Duffy

Passion Branding : Harnessing the Power of Emotion to Build Strong Brands

Book DescriptionIn a world of switched-off and disenchanted consumers, the time is right for a new approach to communicating with customers. Passion Branding is that approach. Centred on a passionate relationship between brand and consumer and the...

Amanda Baillieu

Contemporary Windows

Book DescriptionAn invaluable sourcebook for architects, students, and design enthusiasts, this volume explores windows in contemporary building design. Over 45 projects by the world's leading designers demonstrate the unlimited aesthetic...

Myrna Katz Frommer

It Happened on Broadway : An Oral History of the Great White Way

Book DescriptionFrom the living memories of the people who created the magic of Broadway theater, It Happened on Broadway illustrates the history of Broadway, its triumphs and failures, its constant variety, and enduring glories. ...

Jennifer Wingert

Grasp the Stars

Book DescriptionPursued by members of every species, Meris-the most ancient and legendary of the Jadamiin-is a stowaway on a ship bound for the Port Earth space station. But the pursuit isn't over-and suddenly Port Earth is embroiled in high level...

Michael Schmidt

The First Poets : Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets

Book DescriptionWhen Michael Schmidt’s last book, Lives of the Poets, was published, Mark Strand called it “a tour de force, an astonishing view of the whole of poetry in English, a superb read.” Now Schmidt brings the same...

L.C.S.W., Shari Botwin

Free At Last! : The Power of Relationships in Overcoming Trauma, Abuse and Eating Disorders

Book DescriptionA unique approach to overcoming an unhealthy past through positive, healthy relationships. Each chapter addresses specific issues the victim must deal with during the healing process in order to break the chains of abuse. At the end...

Suzy Capozzi

Beauty and the Beast (Read-Aloud Board Book)

Book DescriptionGorgeous art from the classic Disney film and simple text retell the exciting story of Belle, whose beauty and kindness transform a horrible Beast into a handsome prince. This small, sturdy board book is perfect for introducing...

David Sobel

Bobby Jones--Stroke of Genius (Newmarket Pictorial Moviebooks (British American Publishing))

Book DescriptionBefore professional sports became the behemoth industry that it is today, the game of golf gave rise to one of the most gifted natural athletes the world has ever known. A man whose extraordinary talent and will to win earned him the...

В. Орлов

Происшествие в Никольском

"Происшествие в Никольском". Одно из первых произведений в творчестве Владимира Орлова. Это роман о судьбе еще совсем юной героини, о драме, произошедшей в ее жизни, о первых надеждах и разочарованиях. В сборник вошли также рассказы...

In Search Of Sustainable Water Management: International Lessons For The American West And Beyond

Book DescriptionWater issues in the American West share many similarities with those seen elsewhere in the world as population growth exacerbates longstanding problems of inappropriate water use and management. The contributors to this timely volume...

Борис Григорьев. Расея

Прижизненное издание. Редкость. 1922 год. Издательство С. Ефрон, Берлин; Издательство Мюллер и Ко., Потсдам. Владельческий тканевый переплет, кожаный корешок. Сохранность очень хорошая. Борис Дмитриевич Григорьев (1886-1939) -...

<<<  Большая иллюстрированная энциклопедия животных. Большая ...             Uterine Fibroids : Embolization and other Treatments. Book DescriptionIndicating ... >>>

Фридрих Ницше. Веселая наука (аудиокнига Новости Яндекс Школа рисования: Стили в искусстве. Орнаменты и декоративные мотивы. Уникальное Бурхануддин Маргинани. Хидоя. В 2 частях. И. А. Гончаров. И. А. Гончаров. Собрание сочинений Richard C., Ph.D Dorf. Millennium Stocks Василий Ардаматский. Первая командировка Одноклассники Сэлли Бэтсон и Хэтти. Как выглядеть и чувствовать себя моложе Erik Larson. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Лидия Лагутина. Готовим напитки дома. Сборник кулинарных рецептов MTV. 20 самых самых. Vol.3. Два десятка самых убойных Angra. Hunters And Prey. На начало 2002 года у Angra был составлен плотный Виртуальные открытки Редьярд Киплинг. Редьярд Киплинг. Сказки
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