Matthew Stover

Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

The turning point for the entire Star Wars saga is at hand. . . . As combat escalates across the galaxy, the stage is set for an explosive endgame: Obi-Wan undertakes a perilous mission to destroy the dreaded Separatist military leader,...

Качалов В., Качалова О.

Правоохранительные органы Российской Федерации в схемах и комментариях

В виде схем и комментариев к ним изложены основные темы курса «Правоохранительные органы РФ». Отражены начала организации и деятельности судов, органов прокуратуры, адвокатуры, нотариата и др. Адресовано студентам юридических вузов и факультетов...

Commonwealth Secretariat

Small States (Economic Review and Statistics)

Book DescriptionThis publication is a unique source of information on small states. It is an analysis of the key issues concerning the security and development of small states. The book is in two parts. The first section provides a narrative...

Business Process Management : Second International Conference, BPM 2004, Potsdam, Germany, June 17-18, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the second International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2004, held in Potsdam, Germany in June 2004. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and...

Philip L. Pearce

Tourist Behaviour: Themes And Conceptual Schemes (Aspects of Tourism)

Book DescriptionKey features - A comprehensive tour of the psychological processes underpinning contemporary travel - Of interest to tourism researchers, students and practitioners - Explores our current understanding of tourism behaviour and sets...

James R. Hedges

Hedges on Hedge Funds : How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment (Wiley Finance)

Book DescriptionA just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through "funds of hedge funds" and other registered products. These vehicles allow investors to invest as...

Entrepreneur Press

How to Start a Business in New Hampshire (How to Start a Business in New Hampshire)

Book Description How to Start a Business in New Hampshire is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one...

А. И. Иванченко, Л. Г. Мартыненко

Bienvenue a Saint-Petersbourg! / Добро пожаловать в Санкт-Петербург! Пособие на французском языке для начинающих гидов

Книга предназначена для широкого круга лиц, интересующихся историей Санкт-Петербурга, и может быть использована в качестве учебного пособия в старших классах средних школ, а также на различных курсах французского языка. В доступной форме книга...

Iris Muller-Westermann

Munch by Himself

Book DescriptionBest known for his iconic painting The Scream, the celebrated Norwegian painter and printmaker Edvard Munch (1863-1944) had the greatest impact on Expressionism of any Scandinavian artist. His intense, evocative treatment of...

The Artist's Complete Guide

Book Description The title tells this book’s story. Art students, amateur artists, and professionals seeking a basic, all-inclusive reference source will find virtually everything they need to know in order to get started drawing and painting...

Rosemary Kirstein

The Steerswoman's Road

Book DescriptionIf you ask, she will answer. If she asks, you must reply. A steerswoman will speak only the truth to you, as long as she knows it—and you must do the same for her. And so, across the centuries, the Steerswomen—...

<<<  Сергей Козлов. Ежик в тумане             Uterine Fibroids : Embolization and other Treatments. Book DescriptionIndicating ... >>>

Н. Ф. Сорокина, Л. Г. Миланович. Развитие творческих способностей Лист Gary Carey. The Stranger (Cliffs Notes) Williams, John. John Williams Plays Rodrigo. Исполнитель: Williams, Компьютерные новости Е. В. Селезнева. Я познаю мир: Психология Ughi, Uto. 6 Concerti Per Violino - Vivaldi. Алибаба и 40 разбойников. Дхармендра ("Бездельник"), Хема Малини ("Гита из Соколов В.. Среда обитания И. К. Сафронов. Задачник-практикум по информатике О. Генри. Вождь краснокожих (аудиокнига Е. В. Ларечина. Развитие эмоциональных отношений матери Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management Systems Арсений Гулыга. Гегель Нехочуха. Сборник мультфильмов. Сборник отечественных Michah Lerner, George Vanecek, Nino Vidovic, Dado Vrsalovic. Рамблер Популярная художественная энциклопедия. Диск представляет Русское радио
Северск, Балаково, Димитровград, Махачкала, Петрозаводск, Калининград,
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