The Legacy of Thorstein Veblen (Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economics, 10)

Book DescriptionVeblen was an original thinker, responsible for introducing and popularizing a host of important concepts and insights. He ignited controversy not only in economics, but also in sociology, history and political science. The number...

Hans Bakker

The Next Leap : Achieving Growth Through Global Networks, Partnerships and Co-operation

Book Description Drawing upon on-the-job know-how from their client base and findings from their research, a team of consultants from KPMG, one of the world's leading consulting firms, lays out a practical framework for catapulting international...

Deli Yang

Intellectual Property and Doing Business in China (International Business and Management)

Book DescriptionAn intellectual property (IP) system was established in China in 1985. Since then, the merits and drawbacks of the system have become apparent in theory and practice. Despite the fact that a great deal has been written about the...

Shonquis Moreno

Forefront : The Culture of Shop Window Design

Book DescriptionA pane of glass, no more than three inches thick, separates store from sidewalk. On one side, an air-conditioned interior welcomes those who can afford the merchandise inside; on the other, from the weather-beaten street, passersby...

Robert Crumb

The R. Crumb Sketchbook, Vol. 10: June 1975-February 1977

Book Description Presenting exact facsimiles of the artist's own private sketchbooks. R. Crumb is undoubtedly the foremost cartoonist of the latter 20th Century, and his sketchbooks?in which he has written and drawn continually from...

Andre Viljoen

Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes : Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities

Book DescriptionThis book on urban design extends and develops the widely accepted 'compact city' solution. It provides a design proposal for a new kind of sustainable urban landscape: Urban Agriculture. By growing food within an urban rather than...

James Boswell

Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763

In 1762 James Boswell, then twenty-two years old, left Edinburgh for London. The famous Journal he kept during the next nine months is an intimate account of his encounters with the high-life and the low-life in London. Frank and confessional as a...

Scott Lobdell, Salvador Larroca, Tom Raney, Leinil Francis Yu

X-Men: Eve of Destruction

Magneto menaces the world once again - but while he threatens to spread war, the X-Men are trapped in Genosha! It's up to Phoenix to lead a new team to victory, but can she manage it? Can they? Guest-starring Dazzler, Northstar, Corsair of the...

Abdirahman A. Hussein

Edward Said: Criticism and Society

Book Description The only intellectual biography of the groundbreaking author of Orientalism , published on the first anniversary of Said?s death. Few public intellectuals have had such a big impact outside the academy as Edward...

Stephen Burt

Randall Jarrell on W. H. Auden (A Columbia University Publication)

Book Description Jarrell's witty, pointed, and long-lost lectures trace the evolution of Auden's style from the late 1920s to the early 1950s and examine the ideas and contexts that animated his poetry, including psychoanalysis, leftist politics,...

Ying Zhu

Chinese Cinema during the Era of Reform : The Ingenuity of the System

Book DescriptionThe political economy and culture of Chinese cinema during the era of China's prolonged economic reform has not until now been examined in detail. Ying Zhu's new and comprehensive study examines the institutional as well as the...

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J. S. L. McCombie, Maurizio Pugno, Bruno Soro, John McCombie. Productivity Почта.ру Автомобильный портал Г. В. Новожилов, М. С. Неймарк, Л. Г. Цесарский. Безопасность Вики Рудольф Штайнер. Язык образов Апокалипсиса Татьяна Пчелкина. Диагностика и развитие музыкальных Christopher Behrens. Penis Pokey Cricket Liu. DNS & BIND Cookbook К. В.Тихомиров, Э. С. Сергеенко. Теплотехника, теплогазоснабжение Федеральный закон "О государственных пособиях А. Б. Сергиенко. Цифровая обработка сигналов Ross Campbell. Wet Moon Volume 1: Feeble Wanderings Виртуальные открытки Артур Кварри, Джон Макдональд, Уилл Генри. Коммандо. Stephen D. Huston, James CE Johnson, Umar Syyid. The ACE Programmer's Rolf Wigand, Arnold Picot, Ralf Reichwald. Information, Олдерт Фрай. Ложь. Три способа выявления. Как читать мысли МСН
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