Timothy R. Paulsen

Paid in Full

Proven methods and techniques to help any firm to collect their receivables quicker, while still keeping their customers....

Norma Odom Pecora

The Business of Children's Entertainment

For the past 20 years, toy manufacturers have subsidized the development of children's television programming. The result has been the increased commercialization of children's popular culture; the creation of a "material world" of childhood...

William D. Keller

The Essentials of Business Law I

Covers law and business, common law, constitutional law, the U.S. court systems, administrative law, criminal law, torts, contracts, agency, and sales....

Jonathan Gennick, Peter Linsley

Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference

Support for regular expressions in SQL and PL/SQL is one of the most exciting features of Oracle Database 10G. Oracle has long supported the ANSI-standard LIKE predicate for rudimentary pattern matching, but regular expressions take pattern...

Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Andrew B. Goldberg

Internet & World Wide Web How to Program (3rd Edition) (How to Program)

The goal of this comprehensive book is to introduce readers with little or no programming experience to the exciting world of Web-based applications by teaching the fundamentals needed to program on the Internet. Hundreds of LIVE-CODE examples...

Night Sweats - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referenc

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Peter A. Hancock

Human Performance and Ergonomics

Human Performance and Ergonomics brings together a comprehensive and modern account of how the context of performance is crucial to understanding behavior. Environment provides both constraints and opportunities to individuals, such that...

Da Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre

Fuzzy If-Then Rules in Computational Intelligence

During the last three decades, interest has increased significantly in the representation and manipulation of imprecision and uncertainty. Perhaps the most important technique in this area concerns fuzzy logic or the logic of fuzziness initiated by...

Zed Saeed, J. J. Marshall, Jeffrey Chong

Final Cut Pro 4 Bible

If Final Cut Pro 4 can do it, you can do it too... If you’re serious about video editing, this book and Final Cut Pro 4 are the tools you need. The QuickStart tutorial lets you get your feet wet right away. If you already have some...

Гвен Бэйли

О чем думает ваша кошка? Секреты языка тела домашних животных.

Почему кошки трутся мордочкой о тех, кто им нравится? Почему кошки иногда не могут спуститься с дерева? Почему кошки забираются на колени к людям, которые их не любят? Вам хотелось бы знать, о чем думает ваша кошка? ...

В. П. Савчук

Диагностика предприятия: поддержка управленческих решений

Рассмотрен комплекс вопросов финансовой диагностики и мониторинга деятельности предприятия с позиций принятия обоснованных управленческих решений. Методические положения диагностики иллюстрируются на сквозном примере предприятия, имеющего...

<<<  Alan Axelrod. Profiles in Leadership             П. С. Даминова. Граждановедение. 9 класс. Методическое пособие к учебнику Я. ... >>>

Susan Chernak McElroy. All My Relations: Living with Animals As Teachers Поиск работы Чат ДМОЗ Wilber W. Caldwell. Searching for the Dixie Barbecue: Paul S. Mills, John R. Presley. Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice Яхо Лев Игельник. Учебник фэн-шуй. Том 1 RENIS, TONY. MADE IN ITALY. Исполнитель: RENIS, TONY Альбом: MADE IN Работа
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