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Анна Мария Либерати, Фабио Бурбон Древний Рим. История цивилизации, которая правила миром
Наверное, ни одна другая цивилизация не вызывала такого огромного интереса, как великая Древнеримская империя. Даже в условиях современного мира, где господствуют самые совершенные технологии, ее дошедшее до нас через века наследие: архитектура,...
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Frank J. Fabozzi Handbook of Portfolio Management
This authoritative, all-in-one resource gathers some of the most highly respected practitioners to discuss ways to manage an investment portfolio in today?s volatile market environment. From an overview of monetary policy to detailed...
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Yeraswork Admassie, Yeraswork Admassie Twenty Years to Nowhere: Property Rights, Land Management and Conservation in Ethiopia
Preface This study focuses on Ethiopia's attempt at introducing soil conservation and afforestation innovations aimed at reversing the process of degradation of its agricultural resource-base. It considers the tenure ambiguity, uncertainty, and...
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Richard O., Jr. Zerbe, William Kovacic Research in Law and Economics, Volume 19
Hardbound. Research in Law and Economics is a highly respected source of proactive, original perspectives on law and economics. For the researcher, this latest volume offers a diverse set of papers, each one a constructive contribution. The papers...
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Joseph Raelin Work-Based Learning: The New Frontier of Management Development
This guide introduces the unique but very practical approach to "work-based learning" that recognizes worksites as acceptable locations for learning. It offers managers, faced with the relentless pace of pervasive change, an opportunity to overcome...
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William Alarid Free Help from Uncle Sam to Start Your Own Business (Or Expand the One You Have (Free Help from Uncle Sam to Start Your Own Business (Or Expand the One You Have), 5th Ed)
The secrets of government loan programs, guarantees, and grant programs are revealed here, along with ways to cash in on giveaways for existing enterprises and individuals who dream of owning their own business....
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Joel J. Orosz The Insider's Guide to Grantmaking
"Joel Orosz has given us a rare gift at a critical moment. His book is a wise guide not only for the new program officer but also for the experienced grantmaker." --Frances Hesselbein, chairman of the board of governors, The Drucker Foundation...
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Stephen Clarkson, Marjorie Griffin Cohen Governing Under Stress: Middle Powers and the Challenge of Globalization (Globalization and the Periphery)
This volume is the first work to emerge from a major international comparative research project to explore the political economy of governance under conditions of globalization in Canada, Mexico, Norway and Australia. The essays throw a new...
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Steven Kent Kar Kaptains Kry, "Kalamity!"
A personal challenge of Detroit's commitment to electric vehicles and of Washington's commitment to national energy security and fuel conservation....
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Franco, Bruni, Donald E. Fair, Richard O'Brien, Bill Allen Risk Management in Volatile Financial Markets (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies, No. 32)
The rapidly changing structure of financial markets is leading to a radical shift in the way in which private sector financial institutions and firms, and public regulators, are coping with risk. Faced with innovation and volatility, the task of...
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Joseph A. Divanna Synconomy: Adding Value in a World of Continuously Connected Business
Synconomy argues that the operating state of a firm has a synergistic relationship with the behavior of the entire marketplace, which is important in understanding the value of the firm and predict its performance. It explores the business...
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Домой Лист
Классика в рок-обработках - V. Диски предназначены для продажи на
Олег Репченко. Полевая физика, или Как устроен Мир?
Александр Тимофеевский. Опоздавший стрелок
Alan Axelrod. Profiles in Leadership
Политология. Ю.В.Ирхин. Учебник "Политология " подготовлен
Nalin K. Sharda. Multimedia Information Networking
О компьютерах
Виртуальные открытки
А. Ф. Хренов. Мосты к победе
Поиск мета
Екатерина Матюшкина, Екатерина Оковитая. Носки врозь!
Н. П. Романова, В. В. Багин, И. В. Романова. Деловой этикет на Востоке
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