Timothy F. Bresnahan, Alfonso Gambardella

Building High-Tech Clusters: Silicon Valley and Beyond

The contributions to this study of the origins of centers of industrial and technological innovation (such as Silicon Valley) reveal that these concentrated "clusters" of entrepreneurial high tech firms are characterized by rapid economic growth. No...

Manuel P. Asensio, Jack Barth

Sold Short : Uncovering Deception in the Markets

A revealing expose by one of today?s most controversial and successful short sellers According to a 1998 New York Times article, "Satanism has a better reputation in financial circles than does short-selling . . . The controversy...

Stijn Claessens, Marion Jansen

The Internationalization of Financial Services - Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries

The internationalization of financial services is an important issue for the strengthening and liberalizing of financial systems in developing countries. There has been considerable support for the view that internationalization can assist countries...

Daniel Dirks, Jean-Francois Huchet, Thierry Ribault

Japanese Management in the Low Growth Era: Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution

Japanese firms are in the midst of the most protracted economic crisis in their post-war history. The end of the "bubble economy" has led to a long era of low growth. This change in the general business environment has profound consequences for the...

James Mound

7 Secrets Every Commodity Trader Needs to Know

The stock market has always intrigued me. The dynamics of finding sound companies prime for growth and profiting from their successes has an overwhelming attraction to most investors. Commodities, a shrinking investment realm by comparison, has...

Stephen P. Waring

Taylorism Transformed: Scientific Management Theory Since 1945

Waring discusses the subsequent evolution of several management theories and techniques, including organization theory, computer simulation, management by objectives, sensitivity training, job enrichment, and innovations usually attributed to the...

Shay Sayre

Qualitative Methods for Marketplace Research

All key topics are covered including the differences between quantitative and qualitative research, steps to take prior to conducting research, data collection techniques and tools, decoding and understanding collected data, and explaining research...

Eric S. Raymond

The Art of UNIX Programming

Unix ranks among the great engineering accomplishments of the last half of the twentieth century, and its heir-Linux-seems already imposing and still on its way to achieving its full potential. Eric S. Raymond argues in The Art of UNIX...

Graham Meikle

Future Active: Media Activism and the Internet

The revolution will not be televised. But will it be online instead? When the Internet first took off, we heard a lot about its potential for social change. We heard it would revitalize democracy. We heard it would empower us. We heard we would all...

Joseph Fong, Shi-Ming Huang, Joseph S. P. Fong

Information Systems Reengineering

Reengineering, in the context of this book, involves the redesign or transformation of existing Information Systems, while at the same time retaining as much of the original existing system as possible. This approach has obvious benefits when it...

Giovanni Sambin

Twenty-Five Years of Constructive Type Theory: Proceedings of a Congress Held in Venice, October 1995 (Oxford Logic Guides)

Per Martin-Lof's work on constructive type theory has had a tremendous impact on logic and mathematics, as well as important applications in computer science and linguistics. This volume celebrates the birth of the subject and provides an invaluable...

<<<  Frank J. Fabozzi. Measuring and Controlling Interest ...             П. С. Даминова. Граждановедение. 9 класс. Методическое пособие к учебнику Я. ... >>>

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