Ronald R. Jordan, Katelyn L. Quynn

Planned Giving : Management, Marketing, and Law (Wiley Nonprofit Law, Finance and Management Series)

An indispensable guide to all aspects?management, marketing, and law?of a successful planned giving program Planned giving allows the individual donor to make a significant contribution to a specified organization using a variety of...

Rod Stephens

Microsoft Office Programming: A Guide for Experienced Developers

By using the same back-end macro programming language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Microsoft Office applications allow users to easily transfer their VBA programming skills from one Office product to another. A developer skilled at using...

Henry Hexmoor, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Rino Falcone

Agent Autonomy (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations)

Autonomy is a characterizing notion of agents, and intuitively it is rather unambiguous. The quality of autonomy is recognized when it is perceived or experienced, yet it is difficult to limit autonomy in a definition. The desire to build agents...

Inc. Cisco Systems, Cisco Networking Academy Program, Cisco Systems Inc., Cisco Networking Academy Program, Aries Technology

Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems Lab Companion

The official Lab Companion of the IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems course within the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Maps directly to the most current version of the Web-based course Includes hands-on exercises...

Jean-Marc Adamo

Data Mining for Association Rules and Sequential Patterns: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms

Recent advances in the data collection and storage technologies have made it possible for companies (e.g. bar-code technology), administrative agencies (e.g. census data) and scientific laboratories (e.g. molecule databases in chemistry or biology)...

Oxycontin - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Namchul Shin, Idea Group

Strategies for Generating E-Business Returns on Investment

Companies invest in e-business and its supporting technology for their e-business initiatives. E-business applications such as supply chain management and customer relationship management improve transaction efficiency and scope economies as well as...

Ed Bott, Ron Person, Michael Porter

Special Edition Using Windows 98 (2nd Edition)

Special Edition Using Windows 98 Second Edition covers new features such as Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Connection Sharing. Now that Windows 98 has been available for over a year, many new insightful tips have been discovered that weren't...

Vladimir Vovk, Alex Gammerman, Glenn Shafer

Algorithmic Learning in a Random World

"Algorithmic Learning in a Random World" describes recent theoretical and experimental developments in building computable approximations to Kolmogorov's algorithmic notion of randomness. Based on these approximations, a new set of machine learning...

Зигмунд Фрейд

О сновидениях

В этой книге собраны весьма разноплановые произведения Зигмунда Фрейда, объединенные, как ни странно, на более глубинном, внутреннем уровне общей темой - темой вторжения бессознательного и подсознательного в сознательный мир. Трактовка сновидений в...

Майкл Баткус


Книга, которую вы держите в руках, - одна из тех, что много лет выпускаются самым известным и авторитетным американским издательством "Уолтер Фостер Паблишинг". Это уникальная серия самоучителей и обучающих пособий, содержащая фундаментальные основы...

<<<  Ruud A. De Mooij. Environmental Taxation and the Double ...             Исход к Востоку. Предлагаемая читателю книга представляет собой один из основных ... >>>

Новикова М. В.. Государственные и муниципальные Jack Wasserman. Leonardo da Vinci (Masters of Art) Андрей Сахаров. Тревога и надежда. Один год Поиск майл.ру VARIOUS ARTISTS. THE GREATEST CAROLS ALBUM. Исполнитель: Все о Линукс С. А. Кравченко. Социология. Парадигмы через Г. Г. Ивлева, М. В. Раевский. Немецкий язык AMERICAN ANALOG SET. PROMISE OF LOVE. Поиск работы Оз Кларк. Винный атлас Апорт Билайн Б. М. Павленко. Хиты под гитару. Выпуск 4 Константин Леонтьев. Записки отшельника Путешествия Hiromi Goto. Hopeful Monsters : Stories Scott Lobdell, Daniel Rendon. The Hardy Boys #6: Hyde & Shriek (Hardy Работа
Владивосток, Южно-Сахалинск, Орёл, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Каменск-Уральский, Оренбург, Щёлково,
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